Top Coed Summer Camps and Summer Coed Programs for Kids & Teens in New Hampshire

The Best New Hampshire Coed Summer Camps | Summer 2025 Directory of NH Summer Coed Camps for Kids & Teens

Best New Hampshire Coed Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Coed Camps in New Hampshire!

Over 69 New Hampshire Coed Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

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Winter Coed Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in New Hampshire are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our New Hampshire Coed Camps offer Winter Coed Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Coed Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Coed Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Coed Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best New Hampshire Winter Coed Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great New Hampshire Coed Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best New Hampshire Day Coed Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best New Hampshire Year-Round
Coed Camps, Classes & Coed Programs

Many of our Best New Hampshire Summer Coed Camps also offer Year Round Coed Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Coed Programs, too.

Best New Hampshire Winter Coed Camp Jobs

Searching for New Hampshire Coed Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Coed Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL NH Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Coed Camps in the Northeast are here in New Hampshire.



iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18
Locations: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI

Ages: 6 - 18 . Coed Campers. All Girl Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day Options.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future. 

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18

Visit Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Website
Held at 150+ prestigious campuses nationwide


Watch Our iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Half-Day & Full-Day, Overnight, and Weekend programs available.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU. Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more.

iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in  New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Computers, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Math and more. iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 6-18 is a top Coed Camp for ages: 6 - 18.

CAMP LOCATION: Camps are located at prestigious campuses nationwide. Visit Our Camp Website Link: to find a location near you.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camps are held on university and school campuses. Most overnight campers stay in dorms and get the "college experience".

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: iD Tech is the world leader in summer STEM education, with 400,000 alumni since 1999, and 150 prestigious campus locations including Stanford, Caltech, and NYU.

Students ages 7-19 learn to code, design video games and Fortnite-inspired levels, mod Minecraft, create with Roblox, engineer robots, model and print 3D characters, work with AI and machine learning, and more! Weeklong, day and overnight summer programs that instill in-demand skills and embolden students to shape the future.

Just 5-10 students per instructor (maximum 10) so students can e¬njoy personalized learning at their pace.

The top universities on the planet—Stanford, NYU, Caltech—have trusted and hosted our programs for over 15 years, inspiring students to dream BIG.

Want to learn from an energetic Stanford computer science major? A virtual reality guru from NYU? A game developer who wants to share her lifelong passion? We’ve bet our reputation on recruiting the top instructors in the country. Our 8:1 student-to-instructor guarantee ensures customized learning with the smallest class sizes, leading to “a-ha moments” and awesome outcomes. iD Tech summer courses are inclusive of every skill level and learning style.

Today, every career—from art to engineering to social work—requires a strong foundation in tech. With a focus on skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration, our courses pave the way for bright futures in any field. Whether your child dreams of working at Facebook or Google, launching their own startup, or founding a nonprofit, their long-term skill development pathway starts here.

iD Tech also offers early-education STEM programs, all-girls tech camps, teen-only academies, and an online learning platform.

Get started today at Our Camp Website Link: or call (888) 709-8324 and join iD Tech as they inspire the makers of tomorrow.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for the most up to date information on sessions, dates, and fees.

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iD Tech Summer Programs for Ages 618

There are 69 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

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New Hampshire Coed Camps

Please note that our list of 2025 New Hampshire Coed Camps also includes information on New Hampshire Coed Camp Scholarships, Financial Aid, and other 'Campership' or Financial Assistance. Look within each camp's description for the CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE heading.

View ONLY New Hampshire Coed Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top New Hampshire Coed Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Coed Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Cragged Mountain Farm
Freedom, New Hampshire

Visit Our Cragged Mountain Farm Website
603-539-4070 Summer Number
603-491-1974 Owner Number

239 Cold Brook Rd.
Freedom, New Hampshire 03862

17 Lincoln St.
Exeter, NH 03833

Watch Our Cragged Mountain Farm Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Cragged Mountain Farm offers historically proven age appropriate tripping programs that include beautiful day hikes throughout the White Mountains and 1-5 night overnight trips on the rivers and mountains of NH and Maine. We also have a swimming program on pristine Loon Lake that includes both instructional time and free swim activities.

Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Overnight Backpacking & Canoeing Program For All Ages That Promotes Leadership & Self Care In The Wilderness.

CAMP LOCATION: Cragged Mountain Farm (CMF) is located one hour west of Portland, ME and 25 minutes from North Conway, NH. CMF is a 150 acre campus with a communal dining room, assembly building, and infirmary. Please visit our website to view awesome photos!

CAMP FACILITIES: We are located on a mountain that has cabins that host 4-8 campers with 1-2 counselors. We also share the property with a farm that the campers are able to participate in. We also have seven acres on beautiful Loon Lake.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our unique wilderness oriented programs are a refreshing change from your basic summer camp. In this ever evolving age of being “plugged in” we need to remind kids that playing outside is not only healthy, but fun! Hiking to the top of the tallest mountains in the Northeast and canoeing down the picturesque rivers of New England instills an appreciation for nature that is being lost in this technologically addicted world. It also cannot be overstated how healthy it is for kids to have time away from home to achieve independent growth.

Teenagers and adults that attended CMF as campers fondly remember how it was there that their love for the outdoors was fostered and made it possible to enjoy it later in life. Our program gives campers the opportunity to go on weekly overnight backpacking and canoeing trips to exercise their skills in leadership and self care in the wilderness. Every trip is led by a certified Wilderness First Responder with a wide breadth of experience in the region.

Additionally, we have a swimming program on pristine Loon Lake that includes both instructional time and free swim activities. All staff members have life guard certification.

When not on wilderness trips or at the lake, in camp activities include Rock Climbing under the supervision of qualified instructors, Sports, Photography, Arts and Crafts and Music.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Any second family member registered gets $500 discounted on their tuition. Scholarships are considered on an individual basis.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): There is the potential for families to come to camp before and after the regular summer camp sessions.

See website for dates and rates, at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Cragged Mountain Farm

There are 68 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Coed Camps in NH
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some New Hampshire Coed Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some New Hampshire Coed Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project
Online Camp Minnesota

Visit Our MNOHS Online Two-Week Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project Website

CAMPER AGES: Grades 9-12

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: This summer, MNOHS music teacher Erin Winchell and MNOHS media arts teacher Michael Wiechmann are teaming up to lead an exciting, intensive online learning experience. Youth will meet online in real time to develop video projects, show their work, and give and receive feedback. Projects include a 30-second commercial and a 10-minute short film, documentary, or stop action.

Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Technology, Academics, and more. Video & Soundtrack Production

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Youth should plan to be online 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weekdays, and to work ten additional hours per week on their projects. Most of the scheduled time is for projects but some of it will be for meetings.

Required equipment: A tablet or phone with a front-facing camera. A video camera or DSLR camera will also work.

June 16 - June 29

$240 for non-MNOHS students
$180 for MNOHS students--or free for those who qualify

Please see our web site for more information: Our Camp Website Link:

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MNOHS Online TwoWeek Video and Soundtrack Immersion Project

There are 67 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker
Center Tuftonboro, New Hampshire

Visit Our Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker Website
603-312-2052 x0
147 Canaan Road
Center Tuftonboro, New Hampshire 03816

61 Locust Street
Dover, NH 03820


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. August 19, 2018-August 24, 2018

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Spinnaker is a six-day residential camp for children ages 8-12 with asthma. The camp is organized by Zebra Crossings with oversight by a highly qualified medical team. Campers will be part of cabin groups based on age and will participate in a few cabin group activities every day.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: This camp is for youth ages 8-12 with asthma.

Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Each Day There Will Be An Asthma Educational Component That Is Age Appropriate.

Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Center Tuftonboro New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Swimming and more. Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker is a top Coed Camp for ages: 8-12.

CAMP LOCATION: Our camp is hosted by Camp Merrowvista. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for information on the location of Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Zebra Crossings offers empowerment programs for youth and teens with chronic medical conditions. Whether it is a week-long camp or weekend activities, care is always provided by trained medical staff. We aim to lessen the burden of chronic medical conditions by connecting kids through play and giving respite for caregivers. Zebra Crossings is a fun, safe place where kids just get to be kids.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Zebra Crossings has Scholarships available, please ask.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Zebra Crossings currently has two family camps:

Camp Blue Sky is a weekend retreat to provide families who have a child with Down syndrome a supportive community.

Heart Family Camp is a weekend retreat to provide a supportive community for families of children with a congenital heart defect.

Please visit our website: Our Camp Website Link: for more information on these weekend retreats for families.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Each month we offer diverse program days to unite our community and provide opportunities for play, discovery and bonding. Program days are generally held between 9am and 4pm at different venues in the NH Seacoast region.


A broad range of activity choices are offered each day, including archery, arts/crafts, swimming, performing arts, sports, nature activities and canoeing to name a few. Meals and evening activities will be spent with the entire camp community and will be full of exciting group games, events, talent shows and more.

In addition to all the camp activities, an extensive asthma education component is integrated into the program. All educational sessions are conducted by professional asthma educators. The curriculum is age appropriate, experiential and fun in nature.

August 19,2018-August 24, 2018
Cost: $425 - scholarships available upon request
Please visit our website: Our Camp Website Link:

We are looking for Camp Spinnaker Counselors for this one-week camp. Please email Sheila[AT] or call at 603-312-2052 x0.

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Zebra Crossings Camp Spinnaker

There are 66 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):


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Camp Cody
Freedom, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Cody Website
9 Cody Road
Freedom, New Hampshire 03836

1 Washington St, Suite 106
Dover, NH 03820
United States

Watch Our Camp Cody Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Cody is part of a camping heritage that goes back to 1926. Nestled on the sandy beaches of beautiful Lake Ossipee amidst the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Cody offers a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning and adventure. A traditional summer camp for both girls and boys, campers range in age from seven to fifteen and CITs beginning their leadership programs at sixteen.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Travel, and more. Hockey, & Lacrosse/Field Hockey.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located about 2 hours north of Boston, Massachusetts on nearly 100 acres of land and on the shores of Lake Ossipee. Camp Cody is part of a camping heritage that goes back to 1926. Nestled on the sandy beaches of beautiful Lake Ossipee amidst the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Cody offers a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning and adventure. We are located about 2 hours north of Boston.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our cabins sit on the southeastern lakeside edge of the White Mountain National Forest and each house about seven campers and three counselors. All our cabins have electricity, fully-equipped bathrooms and ample cubby room for belongings. Cody is one of the most well-equipped summer camps in the country. All of the buildings are either new, or have recently undergone major expansion or refurbishing, and almost all of the equipment is updated or replaced approximately every five years. Cody’s sports facilities include a baseball diamond, as well as a soccer field and a football field. There are also two volleyball courts, two floodlit street hockey/roller hockey, a floodlit five-aside soccer arena, two floodlit basketball courts, and seven tennis courts (four floodlit). Cody also has a modern riflery range and two archery ranges.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Cody is part of a camping heritage that goes back to 1926. Nestled on the sandy beaches of beautiful Lake Ossipee amidst the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Cody offers a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning and adventure. A traditional summer camp for both girls and boys, campers range in age from seven to fifteen and CITs beginning their leadership programs at sixteen. If you haven't visited camp yet, checkout the virtual tour, it's the next best thing! We offer team sports activities, water front activities, individual activities, creative arts & crafts, a music & drama program, a horseback riding program, a tennis program, a trips program, and other hobbies and games!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Here at Camp Cody, we have a great CIT/JC Program available. Check out the info on our site at: Our Camp Website Link: for all the info!

Check out all of the info here at: Our Camp Website Link:

Are you ready to have the best summer of your life? Come have a blast with Cody! We are looking to hire upbeat, outdoorsy and fun staff to work with kids, meet counselors from all over the world, and share a once in a lifetime experience.

Lakeside property with dozens of activity fields, sports, and entertainment for everyone!

As an Activities Counselor you'll get to plan, direct, and implement activities in your area of expertise and coordinate the activities into the entire camp program.

Experienced teaching and/or coaching in athletics, aquatics, arts, and adventures preferred. Responsibilities:
•Teach and stimulate the interest of staff and campers in the area of expertise.
• Create lesson plans based on increasing camper competence and skill level in activity area.
• Implement innovative and fun lesson plans and teaching techniques.
• Conduct a regular check of equipment for safety, cleanliness, and good repair.
• Set up activity area during staff week.
• Submit orders for supplies and equipment during staff week or when needed ensuring the timely arrival of materials.
• Conduct an initial and end of the season inventory and store all equipment properly.
• Evaluate current season and make recommendations for equipment or program changes for the next season. • Work as a member of a team of counselors who provide guidance and support to all campers and staff.
• Plan and prepare for inter-camp sporting events and activities, when applicable.
• Assist with all-camp events, evening programs, trips. • Complete tasks as assigned by supervisors. Desired Qualifications:
• Training, certification, or documented experience in the respective activity.
• Experience working with children.
• Knowledge of safety practices as applicable to the respective activity.
• Endurance and stamina needed to provide constant programming and supervision to campers.
• Ability to spend long hours teaching area of expertise. • Positive attitude and sense of humor.

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Camp Cody

There are 65 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Summer Art Camps and Workshops
Online Camp Fremont, California

Visit Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Website
510-353-0860 or 925-353-2877
43319 Mission Blvd
Fremont, California 94539

Ichen Art Academy, Fremont School
43319 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539

Ichen Art Academy, Pleasanton School
4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton CA 94588

Watch Our Summer Art Camps and Workshops Video

CAMPER AGES: Art Camps (5-8), Digital Illustration(9+), Workshops(11+)

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online. Weekly summer art camps and workshops and weekend art classes

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Both online and in-person art camps for ages 5-9.
Digital Illustration online camps for ages 9+;
Art workshops for ages 11+.

Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: 4430 Willow Road, Suite I
Pleasanton, CA 94588

We also have over 100+ online summer art camps and workshops for K-12 students.

Please visit our Facebook webpage Our Camp Website Link: for camp photos for the past five years. You will be amazed by the high quality of our students artworks.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have both online art camps/workshops and in-person camps for our 2021 summer art program. Go to Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Becoming an Ichen Art Academy student means that you have the opportunity to learn from the best art school with a long proven record of success to develop your creativity, foundational skills and artistic talents that will propel you to reach your full potential.

Best Quality Art Program
Since its inception in 1997 (formerly known as Ichen Art Studio), Ichen Art Academy has been putting relentless focus on developing high-quality art programs, reflected through its students’ artworks and measured by its students’ achievements. Many of its art-major students have now gone on to renowned art colleges and most prestigious majors such as CalArt’s Character Animation, ArtCenter’s Entertainment Design and Rhode Island School of Design. Some art-major students from early years have found employments in high-tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Netflix. Similarly, its non-art-major students have been accepted by nation’s top universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and MIT with the help of submission of a strong supplemental art portfolio. By consistently winning large numbers of national level awards in art competitions, Ichen Art Academy students’ skill levels and artworks are among the best in every age group.

Systematic and Comprehensive K-12 Art Education
Ichen Art Academy offers systematic and comprehensive art education to K-12 students and adults. All of its instructors are highly accomplished artists with many years of teaching and industry experience. Currently the following programs are offered
(Click the respective link to view students' artworks from that age group):

--Children’s Creative Art (Ages 5 to 8)
--Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Ages 8+)
--Drawing and Sketch Level 1-Basic (Ages 8 to 10) Level 1 (Ages 10-11), 2 and 3 (Ages 12+)
--Oil Painting and Watercolor (Ages 12+)
--Digital Art for Beginner (Ages 9+), Intermediate and Advanced Levels (Ages 12+)
--Cartoon, Manga and Character Design (Ages 11+)
--AP Art Prep (Ages 14+)

Art Consultation Service for College Applications
The art counselor team at Ichen Art Academy specializes in helping art-major students prepare strong college art portfolios and apply for top art colleges and majors in the US. The team is also responsible for helping non-art-major students develop robust supplemental art portfolios for applying top private universities.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We partner with Youth Art Foundation, a non-profit organization to help our students develop leadership and utilize their art talents and skills to make positive contributions to their communities.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Ichen Art Academy provides comprehensive and systematic art education for K-12 students on a yearly basis. Please check our curriculum webpage for a detailed description:

Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Oil Painting, watercolor, Portrait/Figure Drawing, Illustration, Chinese Painting, Drawing and Sketching, AP Art Boot Camp, Open Studio, Fashion Design, UI/UX Design, Architectural and Interior Design, Animation and Game Design, Digital Art, Creative Comic Books, Manga and Anime, Cartoon and Character Design, Perspective Drawing, Graphic Design, 3D Modeling and much more.

Art Camps for kids ages 5-9:
Our Camp Website Link:

Digital Illustration Art Camp for ages 9+:
Our Camp Website Link:

Summer Art Workshops for ages 11+:
Our Camp Website Link:

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Summer Art Camps and Workshops

There are 64 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Derryfield X Learning STEM Camps
Manchester, NH

Visit Our Derryfield X Learning STEM Camps Website
2108 River Road
Manchester, NH 03104


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 8:30am - 3:30pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Robot Story Builders. Program LEGO robots using the latest WeDo 2.0 kits, create your own robotic characters and build stories with them.

Gametastic Coders. Games + coding = fun! Learn the basics of computer programming by creating mini-games using Tynker Visual Programming Language.

Coding Entrepreneuristas. Girls work together to identify a market need, use MIT's App Inventor to build an app for it and then pitch it to a panel of experts.

Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Entrepreneurship & Storytelling.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Manchester, NH on the gorgeous 84-acre campus of The Derryfield School. During the summer, our campus teems with campers of all ages engaged in everything from theatre to robotics. Please visit our website for more information at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Under the direction of Dr. Masoni, Director of STEM Technology at Derryfield, students will learn tech skills in the context of design-thinking, an innovator’s mindset, and entrepreneurship.

July 25–29, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
August 1–5, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
August 8–12, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
August 15–19, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

STEAM LEAD TEACHERS. For full job description, see Our Camp Website Link:

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Derryfield X Learning STEM Camps

There are 63 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

MehtA+ Digital Humanities Machine Learning Bootcamp
Online Camp

Visit Our MehtA+ Digital Humanities Machine Learning Bootcamp Website
300 Howard Ave.
Des Plaines, Illinois 60018

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Canada.


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekdays (9 am - 1 pm CST)

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: MehtA+ Machine Learning Bootcamp is a six-week interdisciplinary summer bootcamp, which will provide students with expert instruction in cutting edge university-level AI/Machine Learning, which students will then apply to Digital Humanities projects run by professors from top US and International universities.

Computers, Math, Science, Technology, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We will meeting virtually (Zoom).

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our staff is composed MIT, Stanford and Columbia alumni. Our instructors are PhD students, software engineers at FAANG companies and Fulbright scholars. We have won awards for our research.

We are mentoring the next generation of computational thinkers, interdisciplinary researchers and changemakers. Our advanced theory and application based curriculum is student-led and covers all the hottest topics in research and industry. We provide the tools for students so that they can get accepted to their dream colleges and thrive in college and beyond.

We expect the same discipline, dedication and determination from our instructors, as we do from our students. Our A+ instruction not only prepares students to get accepted to their dream colleges, but also more importantly thrive in their dream colleges. The MehtA+ Tutoring teaching team has taught more than 300 students who have received 30+ scores on their ACT, perfect scores on SAT subject tests, learned some of the most in-demand skills in the job market and have been admitted to some of the top most universities in the countries such as MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, UPenn, Carnegie Mellon, University of Toronto, Johns Hopkins and UIUC.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Up to $2,000 for students whose family income is less than $100,000

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: At MehtA+, we ignite student passion for engineering. Our offerings are catered towards students from Kindergarten to College Freshman and involve a fusion of the humanities and the sciences. We believe the best way to learn something is to apply it and as such, all of our opportunities are application-based.

Our bootcamps give students an in-depth opportunity to learn concepts that are normally taught at the university level, while our workshops serve as a fantastic introduction to a new subject. In order to make engineering education more accessible, our digital kits are always free to everyone and allow students to create something awesome. Volunteerships are offered to former students who are looking to volunteer their time and apply what they have learned for social good, as they intern for one of our clients.

Our college preparatory services, which involve subject tutoring, standardized test preparation and college consulting, provide students the resources they need to be ready for college.

Dates of the camp: June 21 - July 30, 2021
Cost: $3,000 (scholarships of up to $2,000 will be provided to students who exhibit financial need)

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MehtA Digital Humanities Machine Learning Bootcamp

There are 62 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

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Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Brain Chase: Summer Learning Challenge
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Brain Chase: Summer Learning Challenge Website
Online Summer Program

Brain Chase is an online camp available to students in grades 2-8 across the US. Participants in the following states are eligible to win the buried treasure grand prize: AL, AK, AR, CA, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI and WY.

Watch Our Brain Chase: Summer Learning Challenge Video

CAMPER AGES: Grades 2-8


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Computers, Math, Technology, Academics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Brain Chase is online - the participant that guesses the coordinates of the buried treasure first will be flown with one parent to dig up the treasure.

CAMP FACILITIES: NA - Camp is online

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Founded in 2014 by Austin parents Allan and Heather Staker, Brain Chase is the product of his filmmaking/tech background and her online education expertise. They are both Harvard-educated and their 5 children were the inspiration behind the creation of this revolutionary new summer program

Brain Chase is a 6-week summer learning challenge disguised as a massive global treasure hunt for 2nd−8th graders. A golden globe has been buried somewhere on earth – and it contains the key to a safe deposit box holding a $10,000 college scholarship fund. Participants who complete an hour of online summer learning activities each day will unlock secret animated webisodes that hold the clues to the globe’s whereabouts. Guess the treasure’s location first, and you’ll be the one on a plane to dig it up.

Enrollment is limited to the first 5,000 entrants.
Kickoff is June 30. Last registration July 18.

- See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Additional children from same household are half off for each registration.

OTHER CAMP INFO: You spend 10 months of every year in school, but much of that hard work likely vanishes during summer break. Who wants to do boring worksheets when school’s out? Brain Chase is a summer enrichment program that’s FUN. Action-packed animations, mysterious packages in the mail, and the hunt for buried treasure turn learning into an adventure. It’s FLEXIBLE. You’ll do the challenge when you want, where you want, and at your own pace. And it’s CUSTOMIZED. You get to work at your own level. - See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

For complete info please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Registration: Our Camp Website Link:

Kickoff is June 30, 2014.

Last chance to register is July 18, 2014.

$199 for first child, $100 for each additional child from the same household.

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Brain ChaseSummer Learning Challenge

There are 61 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps
Online Camp

Visit Our The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps Website
Brooklyn, New York 11215

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico.

CAMPER AGES: 7 years - 17 years old

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.

Team Sports, Computers, Technology, Academics, and more. Esports, Coding & Game Design.

CAMP LOCATION: We offer live instructors online.


CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1978, The Learnatory has provided exceptionally robust summer camps as the perfect blend of academic development and recreational fun! Our goal is always to help young people develop the curiosity to explore, the confidence to discover, and the character to grow with excellence. Our small group ratio of 6:1 ensures each camper gets personal attention and enthusiastic support to address their passions and interests.

The Learnatory Esports & Coding STEAM Camps are for those passionate about video games and excited to code! National Esports Champions teach rising 3rd thru 11th graders proven strategies and provide personal VOD analyses of their gameplay in: Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League. Coding & Game Design STEAM Summer Camps include: SCRATCH, JavaScript, Python, C# thru Unity.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial scholarship grants are awarded as needed and when available.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Through The Learnatory In-School, After-School, Home-School, Weekend, Summer Camps, and online programs, The Learnatory, has served over 12,000 college-bound youth and teens in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City effectively and significantly boost their academic, personal, and career development. We offer over 50 various STEAM courses and programs. Our virtual program began in the Summer, 2020 and will continue to operate to serve more young people nationwide.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Esports camps are coached by actual top National Esports Champions.

Each camper receives a proprietary PEP (Prescribed Educational Plan) for every class they take that states exactly what skills they will learn and documents at the end how well they learned them.

Esports camps are designed for those passionate about video games because research shows “Gamers are more likely to pursue high-paying careers in the lucrative STEM/STEAM fields than non-gamers.”

Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for kids to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them.

Tutoring to help students catch up, keep up, or get ahead.

Three 1-week camps offered from June 28 through July 31, 2021.

Three classes offered daily:

8:30 am – 10:30 am
10:45 am – 12:45 pm
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

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The Learnatory STEAM Summer Camps

There are 60 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

NHDI Kids On Campus
Keene, New Hampshire

Visit Our NHDI Kids On Campus Website
Keene State College
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

25 Roxbury St, Suite 110 Keene, NH 03431

CAMPER AGES: Grades 2-9

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am-4pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: NHDI is in residency again at Keene State College- Kids On Campus this summer! The artistic imagery that poetry provides is beautifully transformed into movement as we explore and create dances to celebrate inspiring words! Join us as we dance to the poetry of Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, Ralph Waldo Emerson and, perhaps, the dancers’ very own poetic work.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: No prior dance experience necessary. Just put on your sneakers and join the fun!

Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are in located at the Student Center in the Mabel Brown Room at Keene State College.

NHDI Kids on Campus-Poetry In Motion takes place June 26-30th from 9am-4pm. The cost is $225. Please visit our website for additional information. Our Camp Website Link:

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NHDI Kids On Campus

There are 59 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

YMCA Camp Wiyaka
Richmond, NH

Visit Our YMCA Camp Wiyaka Website
978 249 3305
100 Sandy Pond Rd
Richmond, NH 03470

545 Main St.
Athol, MA


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Residential / 6 week-long sessions. We offer coed weeks as well as single gender weeks.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Wiyaka is a YMCA residential summer camp located on the shore of Sandy Pond in the hills of Richmond, NH. Serving a maximum of 72 campers per week we have the unique opportunity to create a small community atmosphere, a place where both campers and staff can really get to know everyone. Campers sleep in bunk beds sheltered by canvas tents on wooden platforms. Meals are served family style in the dining hall and the days are spent doing traditional summer camp activities such as swimming, sports and art. Camp Wiyaka offers both co-ed and single gender sessions.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

YMCA Camp Wiyaka is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Richmond New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Academics, Team Sports, Adventure and more. YMCA Camp Wiyaka is a top Coed Camp for ages: 7 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Wiyaka is located on Sandy Pond in Richmond, New Hampshire. We are about 30 minutes from Keene, New Hampshire, and about 30 minutes from Athol, Massachusetts. Our residential camp has over 60 acres of woods and fields and sits directly on the waterfront. Please visit our website, at Our Camp Website Link:, for photos and directions.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers live in platform tents with up to 5 other children their own age and at least one counselor. Tents are divided into "upper camp" and "lower camp" with 7 tents on the waterfront of Sandy Pond, and 5 tents tucked into the trees. During Coed weeks, genders are divided into seperate tent areas. Meals are served family style and campers share tables with their tent mates in the dining hall. Memory Lodge is our indoor recreation space.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We offer coed weeks as well as single gender weeks. All campers ages 7 - 15 are welcome to attend our week-long sessions. The Mini Camp program at Camp Wiyaka is built for children ages 7 to 11 who want to try out a residential summer camp but may be worried about staying an entire week. The opportunity to extend a Mini Camp session into a full week may be available if a child finds he/she is not ready to leave Wiyaka before the week session is over.

Camp Wiyaka's Leaders in Training (LIT) program offers young adults ages 14-15 an opportunity to build leadership skills, and be a positive influence the lives of others. While still taking part in typical camper experiences (attending activities and participating in camp events), the LITs have unique opportunities and responsibilities separate from the rest of the camp. LIT's will have the chance to host a campfire as a group, lead an all camp activity, and assist younger campers on registration day. The LIT group will also have an opportunity to complete a service project on camp property.

Our daily schedule allows children to participate in traditional camp offerings as well as choose some unique activities to design their own week. Our waterfront is a great place to play on the shore, swim, fish, or take out a sailboat, canoe, kayak or rowboat. There is time for doing arts and crafts, archery, playing sports and games, learning about nature and so much more. Trips are taken to local areas including Mt. Monadnock, Royalston Falls, and Tully Lake. Every camp day ends with a sing-along campfire.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Camp Wiyaka's Leaders in Training (LIT) program offers young adults age 15 an opportunity to build leadership skills, and be a positive influence the lives of others.


For complete information, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Wiyaka

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 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

US Sports/Nike Camps
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our US Sports/Nike Camps Website
800-645-3226 (Nike Camps)
800-433-6060 (All other camps)
800-406-3926 (NBC Camps)
877-308-7325 (Peak Performance Swim Camps)
888-780-2267 (Vogelsinger Soccer Academy)

Over 700 Camp Locations Across the US & Canada


US Sports Camps, Inc.
1010 B Street, Suite 450
San Rafael, CA 94901

Watch Our US Sports/Nike Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: Most junior camps accept participants between the ages of 10-18, however some of our day camps will accept those as young as 5. Adult programs offered, too. See our camp specific web pages to find out exact ages for each program.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend programs available in some areas. International campers welcome.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Now celebrating over 40 years of camp! We offer camps across a variety of sports which run for one, two or three consecutive sessions across the US and Canada. USSC partners with the country's best coaches to direct our camps at top-rated, professionally-equipped training facilities. International programs offered, too.

Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, and more. Other Camps: Crew, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, MultiSport, Rugby, Running, Ultimate, Waterpolo, Gymnastics, Hockey, & Yoga.

CAMP LOCATION: Over 700 Locations throughout the US and Canada. International locations, too. Please visit our website for a complete list of camps offered near you, at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are offered at top-rated, professionally equipped sports training facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sports are FUN, but they are more fun when you get better! Our professional, passionate, and positive coaches will help your child become a better player and a more inspired athlete. Camp provides the perfect opportunity to improve skills, make new friends, laugh hard, and smile a lot. Our Mission is to shape a lifelong enjoyment of athletics through high quality sports education and skill enhancement while consistently exceeding the expectations of our customers!

During the summer of 2014 more than 70,000 US and international campers attended a US Sports Camps program. US Sports Camps currently offers 24 programs in 15 different sports.

Our summer sports camps include: Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Multi-Sport, Rugby, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Ultimate, Volleyball, Waterpolo, and Yoga. We also offer several International sports camps around the world. Our sports camps continue to grow thanks to an outstanding community of Camp Directors and the dedication of the entire USSC staff. We expect 2015, our 41st year in business, to be our best year ever. We look forward to seeing you at camp!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Many of our sports camps offer sessions and special weekend clinics year-round. Please contact us for details.

For complete information regarding summer camp sessions and fees, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Each camp director is responsible for hiring their own staff and typically hire in late winter and early spring. If you are interested in applying for a position, please email the appropriate sport mailbox at Our Camp Website Link: and we will forward on your information to any director looking for additional staff.

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US SportsNike Camps

There are 57 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Majestic Theatre Summer Camps
Manchester, NH

Visit Our Majestic Theatre Summer Camps Website
922 Elm Street - Suite 315
Manchester, NH 03101


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daytime camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: The Majestic Academy is located in Downtown Manchester.

CAMP FACILITIES: Daytime camps are run in our air conditioned facility which has classroom/rehearsal studios for acting, music, creative movement. A culminating performance is held for family and friends in a separate off site performance venue.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Majestic prides itself on a strong core of camp directors and instructors all having many years of experience in all aspects of theatre as well as experience working with youth. Join us for:

Sing Me A Story, a one week half-day and full-day camp celebrating storytelling with popular characters like the Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, The Mad Hatter and more. This camp runs July 7 through July 11. Tuition is $150 for half-day, $200 for full-day.

The Tale of Beauty and the Beast, a two week camp for both half and full day campers features a script based program on this classic fairytale. Kids will learn all aspects of theatre through step-by-step involvement in every aspect of putting a musical show together. This camp runs July 14 through July 25, tuition is $200 for half-day and $300 for full-day.

The Secret Garden, a two week script based camp. Youth are invited to come along on an extraordinary musical adventure. July 28 through August 8. Tuition is $200 for half-day and $300 for full-day. Daily schedule includes classes which help build skills in acting, movement, improvisation, music, and cooperative abilities. Students will learn all aspects of theatre in this hands-on learning opportunity.

The Majestic fosters a close student-teacher relationship that helps us meet the needs of every young artist. Our goal is to tailor the experience your child will have as they are given the attention and interaction they need to be successful in having a GREAT time learning about theatre and performing arts.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Partial scholarship assistance may be available and is awarded based on financial need. Please submit scholarship application form available from Majestic's Website.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Majestic Academy of Dramatic Arts serves youth ages 5 - 18 through ongoing theatre production opportunities, private lessons, classes, monthly teen nights and summer theatre camps.

Sing Me A Story July 7 - 11. Half day (5-7 yrs) 9am - 1pm for $150, Full-day (8-15 yrs) 9am - 5pm $200.

Tale of Beauty and the Beast July 14 - 25. Half day (5-7 yrs) 9am - 1pm for $200, Full-day (8-15 yrs) 9am - 5pm $300.

The Secret Garden July 28 - August 8. Half day (5-7 yrs) 9am - 1pm for $200, Full-day (8-15 yrs) 9am - 5pm $300.

Tuition includes all camp materials, camp t-shirt and an afternoon snack. Partial scholarship assistance may be available. Please complete an application.

All information is on Our Camp Website Link:

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Majestic Theatre Summer Camps

There are 56 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Quinebarg
Moultonborough, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Quinebarg Website
100 Sibley Road
Moultonborough, New Hampshire 03254

Watch Our Camp Quinebarg Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Since 1936, Camp Quinebarge has provided a safe, fun and exciting environment for boys and girls ages 6-16 to learn about themselves and each other and make everlasting friendships. We achieve these goals by fostering a spirit of growth and exploration.

Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, and more.

Quinebarge is situated on 70 acres of pine forest on pristine Lake Kanasatka, with top notch facilities, from cabins to the waterfront. Our rustic feel harkens campers back to our roots even as the modern world wraps around us allowing kids be themselves without too much technological interference.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our rustic but clean cabins and yurts are equipped with electricity, comfortable bunks, and storage cubbies. Girls and Juniors use in-cabin bathrooms, while the Boys have a dedicated Wash and Shower House. Cabins are situated within our Kanasatka Circle (boys area) Winnetaska Circle (girls area), and Juniors areas.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Quinebarge offers a wide-ranging, exciting and robust summer camp program for children from 6-16 years old. Our program includes a diverse set of activities, lots of cabin time to make friends and bond as a group, and special activities like trips, camp outs and much, much more.

From 9am-1pm and 4-5:30pm each day campers participate in activities they select each week. Activities are all co-ed, and a majority of the activity schedules are determined according to individual camper choices.

Horseback Riding lessons are available daily under the supervision of highly qualified instructors. After campers have learned to care for their horses and to demonstrate proficiency in the ring, trail rides on our extensive trail network offer an extra challenge.

Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Wood Shop and Drama offer campers unlimited creative possibilities. We specialize in both traditional and eco-friendly handicraft activities, challenging campers to create projects they will take home and remember their camp experience all year long.

Sports and Adventure. Archery, tennis on our clay courts, climbing wall, low and high ropes, zip line, and every field sport imaginable are offered in our sports and adventure program. Quinebarge offers possibly the world’s most difficult frisbee golf course in the woods, Gaga, volleyball, basketball, street hockey, softball, kickball, Quidditch, soccer, lacrosse, non-competitive games and much more. Our climbing wall and adventure courses promote teamwork and cooperation.

Swimming and Boating. Our swim program offers daily swim lessons in accordance with American Red Cross standards and we have all-camp general swim each afternoon. Quinebarge offers tubing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boards, surf bikes, playaks and many other types of boats to enable kids to get out on our beautiful lake, learn how to use many types of boats and have a great, refreshing time.

Nature. Quinebarge’s 65 acres of woods, waterfront and trails offer a ready-made outdoor environmental activity center. We make tasty banana bread in our solar cookers, take trail hikes, geo-cache, and create eco projects, learning about our natural world.

Trips. New Hampshire’s Lakes and Mountains regions are in our backyard and we utilize them extensively all summer, sending trips out almost daily including canoeing, hiking, camping, fishing, backpacking, mountain biking and white water rafting trips, offering campers the challenge of the outdoors. Both day and overnight trips are included. The White Mountain region of New Hampshire offers an excellent variety of rivers and trails for all abilities.

June 26 - July 9 3400
July 10 - July 23 $3400
July 24 - August 6 $3400
August 7 - August 20 $3400

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Camp Quinebarg

There are 55 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Nature's Classroom Adventure Camp
Hancock, New Hampshire

Visit Our Nature's Classroom Adventure Camp Website
(603)-525-3311 ext. 31
36 Sargent Camp Road
Hancock, New Hampshire 03449


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 1 and 2 week overnight programs

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Nature's Classroom Adventure camp is a classic New England overnight camp. We are non-competitive, focussed on building outdoor skills and creating a welcoming community of campers and counselors from all backgrounds. Campers will have the opportunity to explore our 700 acre campus and participate in activities like boating, archery, blacksmithing, wood carving, wildcrafting, low ropes team-building, and fishing. All campers also participate in our high ropes course.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We do not have specific programs for special needs campers. We do host campers with a variety of needs, so please contact us to discuss how we might create a great experience for your camper!

Music/Band, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Science, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Canoeing, Kayaking, Archery, Blacksmithing, Wood Carving, Primitive Survival Skills, High Ropes Course, Wildcrafting, Fishing, Team-building, Hiking, Tent Camping

CAMP LOCATION: Our camp is located at the historic Sargent Center, a beautiful 700 acre campus in Southern New Hampshire. The nearest towns are Hancock and Peterborough, and Boston is 80 miles to the south.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have housing for 150-200 people in small cabins, larger dorm style buildings, and a yurt village. Our camp is located on small but beautiful Half Moon Pond with a private beach just for campers. We also have modern dining facilities, two outdoor amphitheaters, and miles of hiking trails throughout our campus. We even have a great blue heron nesting rookery!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sargent Camp was established in 1912 as one of the first women's outdoor camps in the country, a revolutionary idea at the time. Since then we have become co-ed, but still uphold the founding ideals of providing outdoor experiences for campers from all walks of life.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our 15-17 year old campers take part in the LIT program, which includes an off site campout, the opportunity to lead activities from younger campers, and group service projects to help out the camp. LITs live in the Yurt Village and have dedicated LIT counselors who help them become leaders within the camp community.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please contact us if full camp tuition is a financial hardship.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We do not host a regular family camp, but often host family groups in the fall and spring. Please contact us if you are interested.

6 Day Sessions:
Rate: $1125
June 26th-July 1st, July 3rd-8th, July 10th-15th, July 17th-22nd, July 24th-29th, July 31st-Aug 5th, Aug 7th-12th, Aug 14th-19th

13 Day Sessions:
Rate: $2150
June 26th-July 8th, July 10th-22nd, July 24th-Aug 5th, Aug 7th-19th

LIT Program (15-17 year olds)
Rate: $2350
Same dates as 13 day sessions

Please contact us for a 10% discount for siblings and returning campers.

We are looking for general counselors for the 2022 summer season! Counselors will live on site from June 12th-Aug 21st, with 2 weeks of training and 8 weeks of camp. We welcome all applicants, but especially encourage people with experience in our activities to apply. We are a small crew (about 30 counselors) and a great community of both staff and campers. Please visit our website to apply, or call/email us with any questions. 

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Natures Classroom Adventure Camp

There are 54 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Beam Camp
Strafford, New Hampshire

Visit Our Beam Camp Website

55 Boy Scout Road
Strafford, New Hampshire 03884

6 Second Place
Brooklyn NY 11231


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Beam Camp is a summer sleepaway program in Strafford, New Hampshire offering two 4 week sessions for boys and girls 11-17. The centerpiece of each session is the Beam Project, a large-scale spectacular project, produced and enjoyed by the campers, which ranges from the conceptual to the structural, and is designed by a notable designer, architect or big thinker. Campers learn to make their ideas happen through fine and manual arts, technology and collaboration.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Science, Technology, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Carpentry, Textiles, Printmaking, Coding, Mechanics, Performance, Sewing, Cooking, Ceramics, Sculpture

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 30 minutes from Concord and Dover, NH, on 100 beautiful acres with two lakes, surrounded by 650 acres of forever-wild forest, streams and well-established trails.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have nine newly-constructed wood-framed cabins, two lakes for swimming and kayaking, and a 90-foot dining hall, with fireplace.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Beam Guides are the teachers, builders and brighteners who work and play alongside campers providing a safe and enriching camp experience. All the Guides are people over the age of 20 who make a life and living from pursuits involving invention, design, planning and production: artists, architects, engineers, craftspeople, teachers, designers, chefs, and musicians.

Beam’s 1:4 staff to camper ratio makes it possible for all campers to be supervised at all times. All waterfront and lake activities are supervised by Red Cross certified lifeguards. We have a full-time staff nurse with us at camp.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Campers 15+ may enroll as Fellows in either camp session. The Fellows program recognizes the growth that campers experience as they mature into young adults by rewarding them with the opportunity to take a more active role in our camp’s mission. We want Beam Fellows to occupy a special space at our camp. From their arrival at camp, Beam Fellows are specially trained to play an integral role in the realization of the project; they’ll go deeper into the management and building skills required to make the project and take leadership roles in the Waves. Additionally, Fellows assist in documenting and publicizing the project for the larger camp community and beyond.


FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We invite families to join us at camp on Sunday, July 27 (Session 1) and Sunday, August 24 (Session 2) between 10AM and noon for a celebration of the Beam Project and to pick-up their campers.

Beam 2015 will run July 2 – August 23.
Full Summer (campers aged 11 – 17)
Thursday, July 2 to Sunday, August 23
Tuition: $9000 per camper

Session 1 (campers aged 11 – 17)
Thursday, July 2 to Sunday, July 26
Tuition: $5200 per camper

Session 2 (campers aged 11 – 17)
Thursday, July 30 to Sunday, August 23
Tuition: $5200 per camper

Tuition includes bus transportation to camp from Brooklyn, t-shirt, weekly laundry and assorted random extras.

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Beam Camp

There are 53 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

YMCA Camp Coniston
Croydon, NH

Visit Our YMCA Camp Coniston Website
24 Main Camp Rd
Croydon, NH 03773

Mailing Address: PO Box 185 Grantham, NH 03753


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight Resident, Adventure Camps & Service Trips

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Academics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

YMCA Camp Coniston is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Croydon New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Gymnastics, Academics, Swimming and more. YMCA Camp Coniston is a top Coed Camp for ages: 8 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: YMCA Camp Coniston's quintessential campsite is located on a beautiful lake which is completely surrounded by the 1200 acre facility. Coniston is located 2 hours north of Boston and 30 minutes east of Hanover, NH just off Interstate-89 in the Lake Sunapee Area. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for lots of camp photos.

CAMP FACILITIES: YMCA Camp Coniston is a co-ed residential camp located on Lake Coniston. The Boy's and Girl's Camps are on separate sides of the lake, with shared dining hall, lodge, athletic fields/courts between them.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Coniston was recognized on Our Camp Website Link: as "10 Summer Camps Worth the Money", in list of 50 Most Amazing Camps in the US by Top Education Degrees & Top 5 camps on Our Camp Website Link: Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more information on our programs.


For a calendar of Coniston sessions including traditional camp, adventure trips, and service trips, please visit us at Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Coniston

There are 52 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Starfish
Rindge, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Starfish Website
12 Camp Monomonac Rd
Rindge, New Hampshire 03461

636 Great Rd., Ste. 2 Stow, MA 01775


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Starfish fosters the success and growth of children with emotional, behavioral and learning problems by providing individualized attention as part of structured, nurturing and fun group programs. The Starfish philosophy, which provides 1:1 support for campers, is based on engaging campers in a variety of well-structured traditional summer camp activities in a safe and predictable environment.

Through the use of Strategies, Tools and Keys, we make camp a positive, safe place where campers are actively participating in things they enjoy. We help children learn what it means to be accountable for their choices through positive feedback and without embarrassment, enabling them make more productive choices in the future. Starfish is a place to "learn, grow and have fun."

Everything at Starfish is specifically geared to meet the needs and abilities of each bunk, activity group, and child. Staff consistently seek innumerable ways to provide campers with positive reinforcement while helping them to recognize and articulate their strengths. At Starfish, we believe in "catching children being good" and capitalizing on those experiences as teachable moments, in addition to setting up therapeutic supports to help children during times when they are struggling.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Team Sports, Science, Academics, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

DISCOVERY: Woodworking, Manipulatives, Raft-building, & Activities Designed To Help Campers Discover New Hobbies, Interests & Talents.

INTERACTIVE: Teambuilding, Challenge Initiatives, Low Ropes Course, ToolsTime, & Other Activities Designed To Practice Teamwork & Intercommunication Skills.

LEARNING CENTER: Reading, Multicultural Activities, Chess, Science Experiments, Yearbook, Creative Writing, Languages, CSI, Mock Trial, & Other Activities Designed To Minimize Summer Learning Loss.

OUTDOOR SKILLS: Tent Building, Survival Structures, Outdoor Cooking, Campfire Building, & Activities Designed To Foster An Enjoyment Of Outdoor Living Xplore!: Nature, Hiking, Gardening, Bug Hunts, Fishing, Recycling, Blueberry Picking, Tree Transplanting, Green Living, & Activities Designed To Learn About The Natural World.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located about and hour and a half North West of Boston, just over the MA/NH border. Camp Starfish is situated on beautiful acres of land with waterfront on Lake Monomonac. Please visit our website for photos and videos of the camp: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: We have two separate "villages" with 4-6 cabins utilized for the campers. Each cabin houses 5-7 campers and additionally each counselor per camper. We have recently upgraded both wash houses on each village, built a safe place for the campers, book nook for reading, mini animal pens, pavilion on our field for hot sunny days and will be making numerous additions in the near future. We have basketball courts, gaga pit, boating/kyaking and access to the beautiful and serene Lake Mononmonac for swimming.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each child's program at Starfish is individualized and each child works on independent goals, our programs have a set of overarching goals that guide our activity offerings, program development and daily camp life: building self confidence, cultivating "winners" attitude, ability to make good decisions/choices, working as a team and enhance social skills/interactions are just a few of the goals we focus on.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer financial Aid on a needs basis through scholarship donations.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer weekend respites in off seasons for our campers and their families. We also have many weddings and retreats that take place in the off season.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Over the course of the camp session, social skills improvements are generally seen in areas such as making eye contact during conversation, waiting ones turn in conversation, using appropriate manners, giving and being able to accept compliments, sharing the conversation with peers, starting conversation with peers (rather than just adults), modulating tone of voice, and giving others/asking for personal space from others. Often, because of the intensive focus on these items, campers make a school years' worth of progress on social-related IEP goals during their session at camp.

We are intentional about making sure that social interaction and opportunities for social practice are part of each and every day. We don't have "social skills group" or an organized activity that "teaches" social skills. One of the benefits of camp is that the social activity is naturally in place, through participation in a shared-living community and involvement in activities. What we do is take advantage of all these opportunities and utilize them as teachable moments.

Our staff point out the social cues that get missed, praise positive interactions, and call attention to the Key of the Day, which is a daily social skill that is being focused on. Staff also create bunk and activity group identities and themes which help campers feel connected to each other and fuel their desire to be part of the group.

Counselors talk openly about being members of a team and how to make friends. Throughout the day, staff facilitate conversation between peers, help campers engage in conversation that may not be their preferred topic, and guide campers to see others' points of view.

Session dates change year to year but we run three sessions per summer starting the end of June and running through to mid August. Please visit our website for the current summer dates and fees at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Starfish

There are 51 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Broadway Bound Summer Camp
Lincoln, NH

Visit Our Broadway Bound Summer Camp Website
603-745-6032; 603-745-2141
Jean's Playhouse
34 Papermill Drive
Lincoln, NH 03251


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Mon - Fri, 9 am - 4 pm, with a performance on Sat @ 2:00! Choose to come to 1 week or both!

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Broadway Bound is a unique and memorable day camp experience that puts your child on the stage instead of in the audience!

Taught by professional actors, Broadway Bound offers a variety of fun and engaging courses that include improvisation, arts and crafts, singing, dancing, acting, theatre games, and more. Courses are grouped by age and experience.

Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, and more.

Broadway Bound Summer Camp is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Lincoln New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Musical Theater, Theater, Music/Band and more. Broadway Bound Summer Camp is a top Coed Camp for ages: 7-18.

CAMP LOCATION: Jean's Playhouse is a beautiful theater arts building, complete with a 260-seat, climate-controlled auditorium. We are located at 34 Papermill Drive in Lincoln, New Hampshire, next to RiverWalk Resort at Loon Mountain.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Kids work directly with professional actors and designers to put together a show of their own to be performed on the Jean's Playhouse stage!

Broadway Bound Summer Camp will run from August 13-17 & 20-24, 2018, with the final performances on Saturday, August 18 & 25 at 2 pm. Broadway Bound is a unique and memorable day camp experience that puts your son/daughter on the stage instead of in the audience!

Taught by the Papermill Theatre Company’s professional mainstage actors, Broadway Bound offers a variety of fun and engaging courses that will have your kids singing and dancing like no one is watching.

Themes of the day camp change from year to year, but courses typically include improvisation, arts and crafts, singing, dancing, acting, theatre games, and more. All the courses are designed to be fun and contribute to creating the final performance.

The camp wraps up with a grand finale that showcases the new skills your kids have learned. Pack the house with friends and family as your kids sing and dance their way across the big Jean’s Playhouse stage.

Please call the Business Office at (603) 745-6032 or e-mail jmercier[AT] with any questions.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for updated information about dates and pricing.

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Broadway Bound Summer Camp

There are 50 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

North Woods Camp
Mirror Lake, New Hampshire

Visit Our North Woods Camp Website
Phone: (603)-569-2725
Fax: (603)-569-5869

144 Governor Wentworth Highway
Mirror Lake, New Hampshire 03853

YMCA of Greater Boston Camping Services Branch
P.O. Box 10 | Mirror Lake, NH. 03853

Watch Our North Woods Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): YMCA of Greater Boston

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: North Woods Camp and Pleasant Valley Camp are brother/sister camps located in Mirror Lake, NH, on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. They bring together children, ages 8 to 15, of all races, religions, nationalities, and socio-economic backgrounds. Campers partake in traditional, fun-filled summer activities, while at the same time learning about themselves, their environment and each other.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, and more. Archery, Arts & Crafts, Basketball, Baseball, Campcraft, Canoeing, Ceramics, Drama, Frisbee, Hiking, Horseback, Kayaking, Leatherwork, Music, Photography (with Full Darkroom), Riflery, Ropes Course (High & Low), Sailing, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, Windsurfing, Woodshop

CAMP LOCATION: North Woods and Pleasant Valley Camps enjoy 220 acres of pristine wilderness with a 1/4 mile of waterfront on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers are grouped into 3 sections: Juniors- campers between age 8 and 11; Trailers- campers between ages 11 and 13; and Seniors- campers between ages 13 and 15 years old. All campers share spacious cabins based on age and grade along with staff, who provide direct supervision and 24/7 care.

Cabins are clean and comfortable with bunk beds. Bathhouses are centrally located within each section of cabins and have individual hot showers, changing stalls, flush toilets and sinks. Our infirmary is always available 24 hours a day with a nurse on call. The Great Dining Hall serves up delicious food every day for all meals.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The activities at North Woods are one of a kind and through them we teach children self-esteem, confidence, sportsmanship and teamwork. Sleepaway camp is a great way to discover new talents and interests, realize potential, boost creativity and learn about camp-mates.

North Woods offers 4 activity periods and a daily swim session, plus an evening activity. Each camper designs their own daily schedule on the first day of camp and has a variety of activities to choose from.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Assistance: Through the YMCA’s ACCESS Program, we offer reduced rates to individuals and families who cannot afford the full price of camp. Scholarships are available by applying for needs-based financial assistance. Please complete and mail (or scan) a CAMPERSHIP form, with the required documentation, along with our registration.

For more information please call the Camping Services Office at 603-569-2725

Scholarship Applications:
Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): 2020 Dates: August 23-28
2020 Rates: Family of 5 - $2000, Each additional member add $400

For more info, please visit:
Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: North Woods and Pleasant Valley Camps enjoy 220 acres of pristine wilderness on Lake Winnipesaukee, with all of the facilities and space to host your perfect event. Whether your group’s goal is to celebrate your wedding day, build leaders and bond with your team, learn about the environment, reconnect spiritually or any other gathering of family and friends, Camp is the perfect venue to host you. The facility is incredibly flexible and willing to provide as much assistance as your group needs, be that staff, supplies or activities. Conveniently located two hours north of Boston, our location allows you and your guests to get away from it all and enjoy the perfect event the way you see it.

For complete year-round camp info, please email campingservices[AT] or call 603.569.2725

OTHER CAMP INFO: For more info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Summer of 2020
Two-week Sessions:
Session 1: June 28 — July 11 (Rate: $1775)
Session 2: July 12 — July 25 (Rate: $1850)
Session 3: July 26 — August 8 (Rate: $1850)
Session 4: August 9 — August 22 (Rate: $17755)
*Multi-session discount available

LIT Program By Application and Acceptance
(Age 15 by June 15th)
Session 1&2: June 28 — July 25 (Rate: $3475)
Session 3&4: July 26 — August 22 (Rate: $3475)

CIT Program By Application and Acceptance
(Age 16+or entering 11th grade)
Session 1&2: June 27 — July 25 (Rate: $875)
Session 3&4: July 25 — August 22 (Rate: $875)

NEW Assistant Counselor Program
By Application and Acceptance
(Age 17+)
Sessions 1-4: June 28-August 22nd
*Training days prior to the start of camp

Head Counselor Program
By Application and Acceptance
(Age 18+)
Sessions 1-4: June 28-August 22nd
*Training days prior to the start of camp

Working at summer camp can be one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever have. At North Woods Camp, you are a mentor, teacher, friend, role model, brother, caregiver and more for young boys as they experience new things at camp. You have the unique position of helping our campers learn about themselves and the best part is, you do so by just being yourself!

Our camping staff is carefully selected on the basis of experience, education, training, leadership ability and interpersonal skills. Each staff member participates in pre-camp training in preparation for the arrival of campers. The staff's primary focus is ensuring our campers health and safety; a love for working with children and being an engaging member of a thriving inclusive community is a must! Providing a superior quality FUN camp program in a caring, physically and emotionally safe environment is our overall staff goal.

For complete summer jobs info, please visit:  Our Camp Website Link:, or call 603.569.2725.

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North Woods Camp

There are 49 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Tel Noar
Hampstead, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Tel Noar Website
603-329-6931 (Summer)
781-489-2070 (Winter)

167 Main Street
Hampstead, New Hampshire 03841

888 Worcester Street
Suite 350
Wellesley, MA 02482

Watch Our Camp Tel Noar Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Our warm, close-knit community is the heart of the Camp Tel Noar experience. You’ll smile from morning until night, busy with waterskiing, swimming, photography, basketball, visual and performing arts, Israeli dance, tennis, and more. You’ll live the Jewish values that infuse our community, especially on Shabbat, bringing us closer together. You’ll take in the songs, enthusiasm and camp traditions. And, most of all, you’ll grow close with friends and counselors who become our summer family. Here, every summer offers the gift of independence, friendships, a strong Jewish spirit and a connection to Israel. A cherished time for fun, discovery and adventures. A place to flourish, to become your very best “self.”

-See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Cheerleading, Weightloss, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Technology, Adventure, and more. Rocketry, Low-ropes Course, Waterskiing, Softball, Archery, Volleyball, Biking, Triathlon & Many Many More!

CAMP FACILITIES: Cabins have electricity and bathrooms with hot water and showers. At Camp Tel Noar, all campers (except the oldest bunks) get to know each other in our unique cabins, which we call “chugs” (pronounced HOOgs), or circles. These cabins connect three bunks with a shared common room, a space where campers can spend their free time, play games and write letters. Most importantly, the common room is a place where campers get to know each other across ages and interests.

-Health Center staffed 24 hours/day by licensed nurses
-Kosher, nut-free dining hall
-Olympic-sized swimming pool
-Beach on Sunset Lake, equipped with canoes, kayaks, sailboats and motorboats
-Peaceful, leafy grove for Shabbat services -
-Gymnasium/Performance center
-Tennis courts Basketball and volleyball courts
-Gaga pit
-Athletic fields
-Photography darkroom
-Videography Studio, new in 2013
-Arts studio for ceramics, painting, jewelry-making, fun with fabric and crafts
-Animal Enclosure of rabbits, chickens and ducks
-Various other buildings for indoor activities

-See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our warm, close-knit community is the heart of the Camp Tel Noar experience. You’ll smile from morning until night, busy with waterskiing, swimming, photography, basketball, visual and performing arts, Israeli dance, tennis, and more. You’ll live the Jewish values that infuse our community, especially on Shabbat, bringing us closer together. You’ll take in the songs, enthusiasm and camp traditions. And, most of all, you’ll grow close with friends and counselors who become our summer family.

Here, every summer offers the gift of independence, friendships, a strong Jewish spirit and a connection to Israel. A cherished time for fun, discovery and adventures. A place to flourish, to become your very best “self.”

-See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Jewish life and learning at Camp Tel Noar can culminate in an extraordinary experience, the Dor L’Dor (Generation to Generation) Leadership Program for our oldest campers. Current campers who have completed the 10th grade may join their peers from the other Cohen Camps, Pembroke and Tevya, for an intensive five-week tour of Israel, a trip that is physically, spiritually, and intellectually stimulating. They return to Tel Noar as Counselors-In-Training (CITs) for the rest of the summer, where they take on a new leadership role, share their new exposure to Israel with younger campers, and continue their leadership training.

Younger Tel Noar campers relish the weekly Shabbat updates sent in by the Dor L’Dor travelers. This program and its young role models help even our youngest campers discover the deep value in connecting with the historical, religious and cultural aspects of the State of Israel while they look forward to growing ready for Dor L’Dor themselves.

- See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: The Cohen Camps offer partial scholarships to families based on financial need. Please contact the Cohen Camps office at 781.489.2070 for information, forms, requirements and deadlines.

Full Season: 7 Weeks $8,400
First Session: 3.5 Weeks $5,000
Second Session: 3.5 Weeks $4,700
Taam of Tel Noar: 2 Weeks $2,400

-See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

For complete summer jobs info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Tel Noar

There are 48 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

LEtGO Your Mind
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our LEtGO Your Mind Website
Many locations in Eastern MA, NH and VT



TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am to 3pm. Early drop off at 7:45am. One-week program.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: LEtGO Your Mind programs offer a safe, educationally enriching STEM Program experience that is fun and challenging using LEGO bricks, motors, elements in the areas of simple machines, robotics, stop motion animation and program­ming Minecraft. The programs focus on the vital STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and challenge kids to think while having fun.

Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Many locations to choose from. Please see our website for exact locations in all 3 states: MA, NH and VT.

For complete information, please visit our website.

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LEtGO Your Mind

There are 47 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Alton Bay Christian Conference Center
Alton Bay, New Hampshire

Visit Our Alton Bay Christian Conference Center Website
5 Broadway Blvd.  
PO BOX 321
Alton Bay, New Hampshire 03810


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Alton Bay Campmeeting Association is a year-round Christian Conference Center located in Alton Bay, New Hampshire. We are located on Alton Bay overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee, with a variety of facilities lodging and meeting facilities that we utilize to host overnight retreats, summer camps, community events and church group and other ministry functions. We also have over 100 private cottages, some of which are available for sale or rent.

Adventure, and more.

CAMP FACILITIES: We offer a variety of accommodations including motel style rooms, mission cottages, an RV park and rustic bunk-style cabins.

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Alton Bay Christian Conference Center

There are 46 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Gym-Ken Gymnastics Wet-N-Wild Summer Program
Windham, New Hampshire

Visit Our Gym-Ken Gymnastics Wet-N-Wild Summer Program Website
184 Rockingham Rd.
Windham, New Hampshire 03087



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Swimming, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located approximately 35 miles north of Boston just over the New Hampshire border. Please visit our website for summer camp photos, information and directions.

CAMP FACILITIES: We are a state of the art gymnastics facility with an outdoor, above-ground, heated, 4' deep oval pool for swimming and an outdoor playground area.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our Gym & Swim summertime adventure includes: lots of gym time, theme weeks, supervised open swim, outdoor playground, giant slip-n-slide, and plenty of staff members eager to make sure your child is safe and of course having the time of their lives. We were recently awarded Parenting New Hampshire's Family Favorite Gymnastics Facility 2013. Please visit our website for an introduction to our history and wonderful staff.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Discounts are given if you attend more than 3 full weeks of Full Day. We also offer Sibling Discounts.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Gym-Ken's Summer Program begins the week of June 30th and concludes August 22nd. We offer Full Day or Half Day Programs for children ages 3 & Up.
We provide Flexible Scheduling Options as well as Early Drop-Off & Late Pick-Up Options for your convenience. Gym-Ken Swim Lessons are also available and we offer Tumbling/Stunting/Parkour Classes in the late afternoons.

USAG Girls Competitive Team

Our Gym & Swim program begins the week of June 30th (closed July 4th). Summer Session dates are flexible. You can pick and choose to create the best schedule that works best for your busy summer. Please visit our website for complete summer calendar and summer theme weeks.
Half Day program is $40/day or $180/M-F and Full Day program is $58/day or $260/M-F. Discounts are given if you attend more than 3 full weeks of Full Day. We also offer Sibling Discounts.

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GymKen Gymnastics WetNWild Summer Program

There are 45 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

AlphaStar Academy
Online Camp Santa Clara, California

Visit Our AlphaStar Academy Website
+1 (650) 273-4089
100 Saratoga Ave #100
Santa Clara, California 95051

100 Saratoga Ave Suite 100 Santa Clara, CA 95051 United States


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online. Weekdays 9am-5pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: AlphaStar Summer Camp is a unique opportunity for interested and talented students to improve their skills during summer, where students are guided and trained by expert faculty via utilizing national and international competitions in a fun and challenging environment. We offer Math,Computer Science and Physics camps.

Computers, Math, Academics, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our programs & courses are now Fully Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools,
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC)

AlphaStar Academy mainly considers teaching, competition, and education background as well as passion and dedication for the subject when hiring full-time and part-time teachers.

We hire our instructors and TAs from a pool of High School, College, Ph.D. students, school teachers, and University Professors. Our faculty have teaching/coaching/tutoring experience and have expertise in the subject area, regardless of their age.

They have participation and/or training experience in national/international math competitions and Olympiads in Math, CS, and Physics such as USAMO, USACO, USAPhO, IMO, IOI, and IPhO.

They are role models and inspiration for students with their backgrounds and achievements. You can check their bio at Our Camp Website Link:

As being an academy operating more than 10 years we have tens of achievements in national and international contests and olympiads. You can check our achievements at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: AlphaStar Academy is offering Math Scholarships to help young mathletes excel further and achieve their true potential in math.

In 2021, up to $40,000 will be given as course credit. Each winner can use $2,000 course credit for online AlphaStar Math courses/camps for one year.
For details please visit Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: AlphaStar Academy offers year-round courses during Fall and Spring semesters. You can check the details at Our Camp Website Link: and Our Camp Website Link:

For summer camp details, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

You can check our position vacancies at Our Camp Website Link:

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AlphaStar Academy

There are 44 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Naticook Day Camp
Merrimack, NH

Visit Our Naticook Day Camp Website
116 Naticook Rd.
Merrimack, NH 03054

Watch Our Naticook Day Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Traditional Day Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Naticook Day Camp program offers 5 - 14 year olds a unique Day Camp experience with amenities normally found only in an overnight camp setting. This program is run by the Merrimack Parks & Recreation Dept.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Our program is all-inclusive for campers with Special Needs. We hire 4 Counselors per Summer to work as 1:1 Aides for those children who require extra assistance. Spaces are limited on a first come first serve basis.

Dance, Theater, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Daily Swimming Lessons Are Provided To Campers As Part Of The Tuition Fee. A Hot Lunch Is Also Provided To Campers.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located one hour north of Boston in the Town of Merrimack, NH. Naticook Day Camp takes place in beautiful Wasserman Park and runs under the direction of Merrimack's Parks and Recreation Department. Please visit our website for camp photos and information.

CAMP FACILITIES: Naticook Day Camp boasts 10 cabins, Function Hall which serves as our recreation and dining hall, Arts & Crafts building, playground, sports and games field, tennis courts, basketball court and beautiful Naticook Lake for swim lessons.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The Counselor In Training (CIT) Program at Naticook Day Camp is geared towards participants who are at least 15 years of age (by the start of the summer); who are interested in gaining leadership skills and want to learn how to apply those skills towards working with children. As a CIT, you will become familiar with many aspects of how Camp functions and the role of counselors in the Camp. Through various group activities and involvement in other programs as a CIT, you will develop and enhance your leadership skills.

For complete details and an application, visit: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Parks & Recreation Department offers a wide variety of programs and special events throughout the year. Complete details can be found on our website at Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Naticook Day Camp is a great place to enjoy a variety of activities including Nature, Theater, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Swim Lessons, Boating, games, sports and more! Our goal is to create an environment where children feel safe, have fun and enjoy being a kid!

There are 8 one week sessions starting June 27 and runs through August 19. Resident rates are $200 per week and Non-Resident rates are $250.00 per week.

We are primarily looking to hire:
Activity Specialists
Water Safety Instructors
Kitchen Help
Maintenance Staff

Complete summer employment details can be found on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Naticook Day Camp

There are 43 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Birch Hill
New Durham, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Birch Hill Website
Main Office: (603) 859-4525
Operations Manager, Chrissy:  (603) 969-0159
Owner, Rich Morell: (603) 273-6713

333C Birch Hill Road
New Durham, New Hampshire 03855

Camp Birch Hill.
333C Birch Hill Road.
New Durham, NH. 03855

Watch Our Camp Birch Hill Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 2, 4 & 6 Week Sessions

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Nestled in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, Camp Birch Hill offers a fun, elective based program where boys and girls aged 6-16 can participate in more than 50 diverse activities of their choice. This classic New England overnight summer camp sits on a over 100 acres of private, lakeside land where kids attend for two, four or six week sessions. It is a home away from home where campers are able to participate in activities they already enjoy and discover new interests. Birch Hill campers have the time of their lives while making lasting friendships and memories.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Campers with dietary restrictions are welcome at Birch Hill, We cater to vegans, vegetarians, gluten free, dairy free and are a nut sensitive camp.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Martial Arts, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, Tubing, High Ropes Course, ZipLine, Platform Tennis, Ping Pong, Land Sports, Water Sports, Horseback Riding, Photography, Fun With Cooking, Yoga, & Any Land Sport You Can Think Of!

Camp Birch Hill is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in New Durham New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Volleyball, Horses/Equestrian, Tennis and more. Camp Birch Hill is a top Coed Camp for ages: 6-16.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Birch Hill is ideally located on Birch Hill in New Durham, New Hampshire at the entrance of the White Mountains and 90 miles from Boston.

106 acres of private lakeside land with a 2,000 ft beautiful sandy waterfront.

Visit our website to see photos of the camp!

CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities include an indoor gymnasium, horse stables with riding ring and scenic trails, ball fields, 4 newly renovated tennis courts, pickle ball courts, gaga pits, paddle tennis courts, basketball courts, beach volleyball, street hockey arena, golf driving range, and a fun miniature golf course. Our stage and fine arts complex which is home to our arts and crafts pavilion and pottery barn, along with the home of our plays, music classes, special events and some of our most memorable evening programs. Another major feature of Camp Birch Hill is the 2,000 feet of shoreline and crystal clear waters of our private lake along with the expansive waters of Merrymeeting Lake for water-skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing. Last but not least, we have to mention our newly rebuilt climbing tower, low ropes course and high ropes course that connects to our 200 ft. zipline! All of these activities are are facilitated by our award winning staff of caring, fun-loving, experienced and diverse college age counselors.


Our staff is primarily college students, graduates, faculty and former Birch Hill campers. Together we are a diverse group of mature, dignified role models coming from both the United States and abroad. Despite our different backgrounds, as camp counselors and staff there is a common thread that connects us all and brings us together in this magical place that we feel is our home away from home. We love teaching and having fun while maintaining a safe environment that facilitates growth for our campers.

At the beginning of each summer our counselors attend a ten day long, comprehensive training course that speaks our values as an organization. Because our staff are hired based on competency in an activity area, this orientation is focused on addressing overarching concepts around making sure each and every camper feels comfortable and at home here at Birch Hill. We strive to hire staff members who have a cheerful disposition and embody the Birch Hill spirit. We bring you the best people for the job.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT program offered to previous campers that are 16 years old during their session. Our goal for the Counselor in Training (CIT) program is to provide an enjoyable and safe summer experience appropriate for older children. The experience will include leadership training and the opportunity to assume some daily responsibilities at Birch Hill, along with the fun and excitement that accompany the rest of our summer program. It is our hope that the CIT campers will begin to develop some of the skills that will allow them to assume additional leadership positions in the future, perhaps as counselors at Birch Hill once they have had one year of college or life experience after high school. For one activity period each day the CITs will work together in their own group under the supervision of Birch Hill staff members. They will use this time to do team building, to learn how to help with the various camp games, activities, and responsibilities.

By the end of the session CITs choose a counselor at Birch Hill they would like to "shadow" and assist them during their activities, and in the cabin. In addition to the CIT Class the primary responsibility of the CITs will be to assist the directors and the staff of Birch Hill. A typical day may involve helping counselors to run events, aiding in the set up and clean up of camp activities. In addition, we will provide opportunities for Leadership/CIT participants to enjoy the richness of the activities and events that our camp has to offer. All CITs receive community service hours and a college recommendation at your request.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact our office, chrissy[AT] to discuss financial aid or scholarships.

We believe every child deserves the summer camp experience!


June 28 – July 11, 2020
July 12 – July 25, 2020
July 26 – August 8, 2020

June 28 – July 25, 2020
July 12 – August 8, 2020

June 28 – August 8, 2020

Check out out website at Our Camp Website Link: for complete information.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Birch Hill is a camp for the individual. The elective program empowers children to create personalized schedules from a variety of well rounded activities. Regimentation is avoided and the atmosphere is natural and friendly. The directors are ever mindful of the physical and general well-being of the campers.


June 28 – July 11, 2020
July 12 – July 25, 2020
July 26 – August 8, 2020

June 28 – July 25, 2020
July 12 – August 8, 2020

June 28 – August 8, 2020

Check out out website at Our Camp Website Link: for complete information.

If you are interested in joining the Birch Hill team please apply online via our website, at  Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Birch Hill

There are 42 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

NHDI Summer Intensive
Keene, New Hampshire

Visit Our NHDI Summer Intensive Website
Keene State College
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

25 Roxbury St, Suite 110 Keene, NH 03431

CAMPER AGES: Grades 2-9

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am-4pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: NHDI’s Summer Intensive “Beneath One Spacious Sky” will celebrate two characters, one who lives on the east coast of the US, and another on the west. How are their lives different? And, more importantly, how are their lives similar, relatable, unified? When we use dance and music as a connector, we find we have friends everywhere we look!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: No prior dance experience necessary! Just put on some sneakers and join the fun!

Dance, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the at the student center in the Mabel Brown Room at Keene State College.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is available. Please request an application at nhdi[AT]

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: NHDI offer an in school Year Long and Residency program. Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

NHDI's Summer Intensive-Beneath One Spacious Sky runs from July 31-August 11 from 9am-4pm. Registration is open to students in grades 2-9. Early Bird registration before 6/1 is $425. After 6/1 it is $460. There is an option for the first week only for $230. You can visit Our Camp Website Link: for additional information.

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NHDI Summer Intensive

There are 41 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Pleasant Valley Camp
Mirror Lake, New Hampshire

Visit Our Pleasant Valley Camp Website
Phone: (603)-569-2725
Fax: (603)-569-5869

144 Governor Wentworth Highway
Mirror Lake, New Hampshire 03853

YMCA of Greater Boston Camping Services Branch
P.O. Box 10 | Mirror Lake, NH. 03853

Watch Our Pleasant Valley Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): YMCA of Greater Boston.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: North Woods Camp and Pleasant Valley Camp are brother/sister camps located in Mirror Lake, NH, on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee. They bring together children, ages 8 to 15, of all races, religions, nationalities, and socio-economic backgrounds. Campers partake in traditional, fun-filled summer activities, while at the same time learning about themselves, their environment and each other.

Dance, Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Adventure, and more. Arts & Crafts, Basketball, Canoeing, Ceramics, Dance, Drama, Frisbee, Hiking, Horseback, Kayaking, Leatherwork, Music, Nature, Photography (with Full Darkroom), Riflery, Ropes Course (High & Low), Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Waterskiing, Windsurfing, & Woodshop.

CAMP LOCATION: North Woods and Pleasant Valley Camps enjoy 220 acres of pristine wilderness with a ½ mile of waterfront on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers are grouped into 3 sections: Juniors- campers between age 8 and 11; Trailers- campers between ages 11 and 13; and Seniors- campers between ages 13 and 15 years old. All campers share spacious cabins based on age and grade along with staff, who provide direct supervision and 24/7 care. Cabins are clean and comfortable with bunk beds. Bathhouses are centrally located within each section of cabins and have individual hot showers, changing stalls, flush toilets and sinks. Our infirmary is always available 24 hours a day with a nurse on call. The Great Dining Hall serves up delicious food every day for all meals.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The activities at Pleasant Valley are one of a kind and through them we teach children self-esteem, confidence, sportsmanship and teamwork. Overnight camp is a great way to discover new talents and interests, realize potential, boost creativity and learn about camp-mates.
Pleasant Valley offers 4 activity periods and a daily swim session, plus an evening activity. Each camper designs her own daily schedule on the first day of camp and has a variety of activities to choose from.

Through the YMCA’s ACCESS Program, we offer reduced rates to individuals and families who cannot afford the full price of camp. Scholarships are available by applying for needs-based financial assistance. Please complete and mail (or scan) a CAMPERSHIP form, with the required documentation, along with our registration.

For more information please call the Camping Services Office at 603-569-2725

Scholarship Applications:
Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): 2020 Dates: August 23-28
2020 Rates: Family of 5 - $2000, Each additional member add $400

For more info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: North Woods and Pleasant Valley Camps enjoy 220 acres of pristine wilderness on Lake Winnipesaukee, with all of the facilities and space to host your perfect event. Whether your group’s goal is to celebrate your wedding day, build leaders and bond with your team, learn about the environment, reconnect spiritually or any other gathering of family and friends, Camp is the perfect venue to host you. The facility is incredibly flexible and willing to provide as much assistance as your group needs, be that staff, supplies or activities. Conveniently located two hours north of Boston, our location allows you and your guests to get away from it all and enjoy the perfect event the way you see it.

For complete year-round camp info, please email campingservices[AT] or call 603.569.2725

OTHER CAMP INFO: Visit our camp Facebook page: Our Camp Website Link:

Summer of 2020
Two-week Sessions:
Session 1: June 28 — July 11 (Rate: $1775)
Session 2: July 12 — July 25 (Rate: $1850)
Session 3: July 26 — August 8 (Rate: $1850)
Session 4: August 9 — August 22 (Rate: $17755)
*Multi-session discount available

LIT Program By Application and Acceptance
(Age 15 by June 15th)
Session 1&2: June 28 — July 25 (Rate: $3475)
Session 3&4: July 26 — August 22 (Rate: $3475)

CIT Program By Application and Acceptance
(Age 16+or entering 11th grade)
Session 1&2: June 27 — July 25 (Rate: $875)
Session 3&4: July 25 — August 22 (Rate: $875)

NEW Assistant Counselor Program
By Application and Acceptance
(Age 17+)
Sessions 1-4: June 28-August 22nd
*Training days prior to the start of camp

Head Counselor Program
By Application and Acceptance
(Age 18+)
Sessions 1-4: June 28-August 22nd
*Training days prior to the start of camp

Working at summer camp can be one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever have. At Pleasant Valley Camp, you are a mentor, teacher, friend, role model, brother, caregiver and more for young girls as they experience new things at camp. You have the unique position of helping our campers learn about themselves and the best part is, you do so by just being yourself!

Our camping staff is carefully selected on the basis of experience, education, training, leadership ability and interpersonal skills. Each staff member participates in pre-camp training in preparation for the arrival of campers. The staff's primary focus is ensuring our campers health and safety; a love for working with children and being an engaging member of a thriving inclusive community is a must! Providing a superior quality FUN camp program in a caring, physically and emotionally safe environment is our overall staff goal.

For complete summer jobs info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:, or call 603.569.2725

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Pleasant Valley Camp

There are 40 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Sports Squirts
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Sports Squirts Website
Register: (866) 345-BALL
Questions: (732) 563-2520

4 Somerset Street
Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889

New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania.


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Camps, and weekly

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The US Sports Institute's Squirts programs are designed to introduce children aged 2-8 to a variety of sports in a safe and structured environment. All games and activities will encompass hand-eye coordination, balance, agility and movement – all key factors to the early development of children in sport.

Soccer, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We cater to much of Northeastern United States, as we run programs in various states, helping make it convenient for travel and access to our services.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In addition to having a great time playing sports, children will develop social interaction and communication skills. All sports are developed through a series of games and activities designed to ensure learning and most importantly: fun, fun, fun!

Camp sessions and fees vary depending on the camp. For more information, visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information

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Sports Squirts

There are 39 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Kroka Expeditions
Marlow, NH

Visit Our Kroka Expeditions Website
767 Forest Rd.
Marlow, NH 03456

Watch Our Kroka Expeditions Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Overnight programs spanning 1-3 weeks.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Kroka Expeditions is committed to awakening in young people a connection to nature and the spirit within, and a capacity for conscious living and compassionate service. We strive to achieve this through wilderness adventure, community living, farming, and the practice of traditional and indigenous skills.

Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Rock Climbing, White Water Paddling, Mountain Biking, Hiking, Wilderness Skills, Timber Framing, Farming, & Backpacking.

Kroka Expeditions is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Marlow New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics and more. Kroka Expeditions is a top Coed Camp for ages: 9 - 19.

CAMP LOCATION: The Kroka Village lies nestled in the high country between the watersheds of the Ashuelot and Cold Rivers, on 75 acres of forests, fields, cliffs, and streams adjacent to a large wilderness area. Here we work to bring intention, connection, and a sense of responsibility to the work that we do.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our base camp facility is a functioning organic farm, garden, and community living village where staff and students live side by side. We have three Cree lodges, all hand built by past students, as well as a number of canvas wall tents on platforms. There is no running water or electricity and all cooking is done over open fire. Students engage in the functions of life by working with the animals, harvesting fresh food from the garden, splitting wood, and gathering water. Back behind the dwellings are beautiful woods that lead to a stream and beaver pond; excellent for exploration! This is where students stay when they arrive before heading off on their expedition adventure, and again when they return.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We offer a wide variety of programs in the summer, spanning from ages 9 - 19. Our programs for younger children foster the spirit of living and playing in nature, while cultivating a connection to the land and setting a foundation for outdoor adventure skills. Our more advanced programs for older students and adults use wilderness expedition and adventure as a tool for experiencing independence, exhilaration, freedom, responsibility, and empowerment, as well as creating deep connections with new friends and the natural world. Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: or call our office at 603-835-9087 for more specific information.


This is a journey that traverses 100 miles of coastal waters along the picturesque Gulf of Maine from Belfast to Frenchmen Bay just north of Bar Harbor. Along the way we will pass Deer Island and Isle Au Haute, as we travel on to Mount Desert Island. Before leaving for expedition students will craft wooden oars in the Kroka workshop and dehydrate fruit, berries, and meat from our farm for the journey. Our sea faring fleet will consist of solo and tandem ocean kayaks, and oar rigged student-made voyager canoes. When the wind is with us we will sail, and we will learn to navigate with map and compass through the complexity of tides, currents, fog, and many a spruce covered rocky island. We will feast on wild foods, gather seaweed, dig for clams, and fish for mackerel. Ocean treasures will form in our hands as we carve wood and gather basket materials from the tidal line. Students will study Marine Ecology, learn to use a variety of knots, read weather, start fire by friction, and make simple shelters in the wilderness. Students will also develop leadership skills through the practice of leading and following, discussing and debating, and forming a strong sense of community built of new lasting friendships.

For more info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please call or email for financial aid information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Experience Kroka through a day of meaningful work: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Experience the Kroka Difference:

Kroka journeys are extended wilderness expeditions (up to two months at a time), where modern ways of travel are combined with indigenous knowledge and age-old traditions. You will learn to navigate with map and compass, and be guided by the sun and stars. Meals will be cooked from scratch over an open fire using ingredients from local farms, our own animals and gardens, and gifts harvested in the wilderness. You will sleep in a handmade tent or shelter, and your travels will take you through uncharted territory.

Kroka education is experiential and place-based. You learn tree identification to select the right trees for firewood, and to make baskets and paddles. Wilderness medicine is taught miles away from human contact in the depths of winter to the song of the howling wind. History is taught through personal stories of people who have spent their entire lives living on the land. You engage deeply in your learning. This ownership leads to the success of your journey, and your achievement is written on the proud faces of your teammates.

Kroka teachers are outstanding educators and wilderness guides from around the world. They bring to students a depth of experience and breadth of knowledge that is combined with strong character and an unshakable belief in humanity. Their personal life stories speak of extended expeditions, sustainable homesteads, the forgotten arts and crafts of indigenous societies, and passionate work for positive change in the communities around them.

Kroka experiences are holistic. As we travel through wild places we develop the voice of our community, create our daily necessities out of local natural materials, find food and water in the wilderness, and express our learning through poetry, visual arts, journaling, and the creation of a semester book. When we come out of the wilderness, our simple and intentional lifestyle is continued. Our daily lives center around working to fulfill our own needs, minimizing our ecological footprint, and participating positively in our community. Everyone at Kroka, from director to student, carries important community responsibilities, be it tending to the composting toilet, or cleaning the laundry room.

Kroka students are delightful and inspiring young people, marching to a different drumbeat. They form a close-knit community as they learn to live in harmony and see the best in one another.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Kroka Expeditions is committed to awakening in young people a connection to nature and the spirit within, and a capacity for conscious living and compassionate service. We strive to achieve this through wilderness adventure, community living, farming, and the practice of traditional and indigenous skills. -Kroka teachers are an international group of outstanding educators who draw from Russian, Austrian, Ecuadorian, and American outdoor living traditions. -Our campus is a real village, where staff and students live side-by-side in a community made up of student-crafted traditional dwellings. -Kroka is a working farm, where students share in growing, harvesting, preparing, and eating. -We teach and practice traditional handwork skills using natural materials. -We are committed to the participation of all, regardless of ability to pay.

This summer we are running more than 20 different programs through June, July and August that span 1-4 weeks in a variety of focus areas in Rock Climbing, White Water Paddling, Biking, Hiking, and Wilderness Skills. Kroka Expeditions was founded on the important principle of serving children and families regardless of income, therefore our tuition is a sliding scale based on annual income, and there are additional scholarship opportunities. Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: or call our office at 603-835-9087 for more specific information on dates and rates.

Wilderness Educators/Expedition Guides:
Join a visionary community working on the cutting edge of outdoor education. Our international group of guides and educators envision, design and execute programs that have consistent life-changing impact on children and youth.
Schedule: April - October

Educators will teach and support one to three weeklong wilderness programs for highly motivated students ages 9-18 at Kroka's base camp and on expeditions throughout New England and beyond including:
Canoeing expeditions
Open water and ocean expeditions
Multi-element expeditions
Base camp programs
Farm based programs
Summer programs within Kroka's seven adventure schools (introductory, rock climbing and caving, white water paddling, open water, mountain biking, wilderness skills, rite of passage)
Compensation & Benefits
Pay is based on Kroka's compensation scale.
Being part of a diverse and energetic community that is deeply engaged in making a positive difference in the world.
Room and board: simple and beautiful Kroka Village housing, and meals whenever you are on campus or traveling for Kroka. Ongoing adventure sports and wilderness skills training opportunities from master teachers.

Wilderness expedition experience in remote environments

Adventure sports expertise, or substantial experience and aspiration to become an expert in one of Kroka's adventure sports, such as white water paddling, rock climbing, caving, mountaineering, back-country skiing, cycling, or another adventure sport with similar set of skills.

Professional certifications: Wilderness First Responder and drivers license with clean record and experience driving trailers.

Commitment to personal fitness: Working at Kroka is physically demanding, and requires a high level of fitness. During the course of your work you will be expected to lift canoes, paddle for long hours, and participate joyously in many other strenuous activities. We are looking for employees who are dedicated to a personal fitness routine.

Love of teaching and mentoring children and youth: enjoys working with wide range of ages, documented and referenced previous teaching experience

Commitment to sustainability: Personal commitment to simple living, along with experience living in a community of people with simplified personal needs
The following qualifications and skills are a plus:

Professional certifications and education: Wilderness or Red Cross Lifeguard, college degree and/or equivalent life experience

Personal artistic skills: strong singing voice, handwork skills, visual and performing arts experience

International/cultural diversity: experience living, working, and traveling in other countries and cultures.

Please submit the following via postal mail, email to jobs[AT], or hand delivery:
Letter of interest addressing these questions:
Why do you want to work at Kroka? How does it fit into your long-term career and life goals?
What unique personal/professional qualities will you bring to Kroka
What life experience do you bring in using your own hands to provide for your own food, shelter, clothing.
Personal Expedition Log (see example below)
Professional Resume
Two professional letters of recommendation (from a co-worker or supervisor)
Supporting materials (photographs, videos, artwork, handwork, articles, etc.).

For complete jobs info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Kroka Expeditions

There are 38 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Wego
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Camp Wego Website

Florida Locations

Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Travel Tours Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Wego offers high-quality tours for teen and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are unforgettable adventures. We are not your ordinary travel Camp! On our exciting, supervised educational travel programs, individuals learn new skills, make lifelong friends and explore extraordinary cultures in United States and abroad.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Wego is a Travel camp serving teens and adult with special needs ages 14-65. We are a small travel special needs camp that travel in the United States and abroad. We are able to provide low staffing ratios, 1 to 4. (1:1 if needed) We have highly credentialed and experienced staff so each individuals needs are met. We add new and innovative travel and activities each year.

Our travel is designed to enhance social, friendship, culture, and other vital life skills that promote independence. Camp Wego helps travelers make new friends while traveling in a safe, fun and educational environment.

We offer high-quality supervised tours for teens and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are specialized for individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Asperger's syndrome.

Individuals must be ambulatory and be able to take care of personal hygiene needs.

Swimming, Team Sports, Adventure, Travel, and more. Travel, Travel Abroad, Cruises, Camping, Sightseeing, Theme Parks, Culture

CAMP LOCATION: Our year-round office is located in Florida. Our trips depart and operate from many of domestic and international locations. Our staff training is held every year in Florida.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Wego is fully committed to developing life and social skills for individuals with special needs ages 14 and up. We believe that our travel trips are a great way to experience independence, improve social skills, and increase self-esteem in a secure, safe and also an exciting environment. Our primary goals are to help travelers build self-esteem, develop better social skills and self-expression, make and maintain friendships, improve fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and sensory integration.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Wego travels year around.

OTHER CAMP INFO: No Financial aid offered.

Most trips cost $1000 and up

For complete info visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Wego

There are 37 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

University of New Hampshire Summer Youth Programs
Durham, New Hampshire

Visit Our University of New Hampshire Summer Youth Programs Website
University of New Hampshire
Various Camp Locations
Durham, New Hampshire 03824


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Whether you’re looking for day or overnight camps, academic enrichment programs or athletics, our Youth Programs provide a variety of opportunities for students from kindergarten through high school. Programs are held on the main UNH campus in Durham and throughout the state of New Hampshire. Students benefit from faculty/staff interactions and the use of facilities at New Hampshire's flagship University. We offer camps in categories such as: academic enrichment, arts, athletics, recreational/water activities, and STEM.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. 4-H Camps, Field Hockey, Girls Lacrosse, Girls Ice Hockey, Track & Field/Distance Running, Strength & Conditioning, Upward Bound, Writer's Academy, Additional Art Topics, Sailing/Kayaking/Paddleboarding & Swim Lessons.

CAMP LOCATION: Most camps are held on the campus of the University of New Hampshire's Durham campus in the Seacoast region of NH. Camp Barry Conservation Camp is held in the northern part of the state in the beautiful White Mountain range, and our marine science program is held at the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island off the coast of Portsmouth, NH. Additional academic programs are held at the University's Manchester campus, a more urban environment.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are held on the campuses of a major public university, so utilize state of the art facilities -- athletic buildings and fields, computer and science labs and equipment, theatre and dance facilities, classrooms, and at the Durham location, new and updated college residence halls, as well as an award-winning dining facility.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: UNH hosts over 30 summer programs for youth ranging in topics related to athletics, academic enrichment, the arts, and traditional day and overnight camps. Please visit out website to view all program offerings at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Some camp programs offer financial assistance, please contact us for more information.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Campus Recreation Vacation Week Camps and Instructional Programs, Piano Extension Program, Swim Lessons, athletic clinics & tournaments, literacy programs, STEM.

Complete information for all UNH summer programs are on our website, at: Our Camp Website Link:

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University of New Hampshire Summer Youth Programs

There are 36 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Teen Treks
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Teen Treks Website
396 Porter Ave
Buffalo, New York 14201

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, New Hampshire, New York

Watch Our Teen Treks Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Teen Treks gives teenagers the chance to discover the excitement and fun of bike touring with a bunch of like-minded people, seeing beautiful natural landscapes and world-class cities while gaining independence and travel skills.

Teenagers from all 50 states, plus Canada, Europe, and Asia join our trips – and everyone gets a lot of say in what the group does each day, from planning the details of the route to picking out what’s for dinner. If everyone wants to bike hard and get to the beach faster, you can do that. If you want to spend a little more time taking pictures at a breathtaking waterfall or a picturesque waterfront, you can do that.

Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Teen Bike Treks

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Teen Treks has been a leader in bike touring summer programs for 18 years. At Teen Treks we offer fun and not competitive biking experiences. Our Moderate rated trips are geared towards first time bicyclists, appropriate for most 14-18 year olds in average or better physical health. Our Easy treks are extremely easy in terms of daily mileage and terrain and will attract slower riders. For our Challenging treks you need to be in good shape and enjoy bicycling. We have had many first time riders do challenging treks and this is for those eager for a challenge.

Any teenager can enjoy one of our summer bike trips. We love a good challenge and we encourage teens to be ambitious, but we keep things fun, too – there’s always time to stop for ice cream, enjoy the scenery, or check out an awesome local restaurant or historical site.

Check our website for the latest trip offerings.

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Teen Treks

There are 35 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Colby-Sawyer Volleyball Camp
New London, New Hampshire

Visit Our Colby-Sawyer Volleyball Camp Website
541 Main Street
Hogan Sports Center
New London, New Hampshire 03257

CAMPER AGES: 7th-12th grades

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9:00-4:00

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Colby-Sawyer College
NCAA Division III 

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Colby-Sawyer College Volleyball is having single day Camps for boys are girls going into 7th-12th grades. Each individual camp day will have unique activities and drills for campers to participate in to improve their skills. Free T-shirt included with each day the camper attends!

Volleyball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: New London, New Hampshire
90 minutes North of Boston, Massachusetts

Located 10 minutes away from Lake Sunapee

CAMP FACILITIES: 3 full size indoor NCAA standard size volleyball courts

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Parents and family members will be able to sit and watch during the entire length of the camp as well as participating on the campus tour.

Location: Colby-Sawyer College | 541 Main Street | New London, NH 03257

What to bring: Volleyball shoes, kneepads, refillable water bottle, mask, lunch, (outdoor shoes for a tour)


9:00-9:30 check in
9:30-12:00 first session
12:00-12:30 lunch
12:30-1:30 tour/ activity
1:30-3:30 2nd session
3:30-4:00 Q&A session with coaches and current CSC players
4:00 pick up

Any additional questions please email Coach Anderson at Josh.Anderson[AT]

Camps will be run by Colby-Sawyer College Volleyball coaches and players.

Grades: 7th - 12th | Boys & Girls
Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm
1 Day $120
Sign up early (more than 1 week out) 20% off $96 a day
Weekend pass (Must be back to back days) $220
Bring a friend for a day 2 for $220
Bring a friend for a weekend $400
Summer pass for 1 (5 days) $450
Summer pass for 2 (5 days each) $800
Includes T-Shirt

20% off if registered by July 10th!

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ColbySawyer Volleyball Camp

There are 34 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Summer of Minecraft
Online Camp

Visit Our Summer of Minecraft Website
(323) 287-5580

Watch Our Summer of Minecraft Video


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: If you like Minecraft, you're absolutely going to love Summer of Minecraft - an online summer camp program starting June 27 where kids 9-14 will learn Beginning and Intermediate Coding, Game Design, and Engineering in Minecraft in a safe, multiplayer environment.

Computers, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Gaming, Coding, Team Building, Leadership, Minecraft.

Summer of Minecraft is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in  New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Technology, Computers, Academics and more. Summer of Minecraft is a top Coed Camp for ages: 9 - 14.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer of Minecraft includes:

Weekly challenges that engage players of all levels
Guides for parents and educators
Live streams introducing challenges and showcasing player creations
An online forum for campers to ask questions and share

OTHER CAMP INFO: Throughout the year enjoy Free Minecraft Kid Club.

June 27 - August 5. For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Summer of Minecraft

There are 33 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Young Judaea
Amherst, NH

Visit Our Camp Young Judaea Website
781 237-9410 (winter)
603 673-3710 (summer)

9 Camp Road
Amherst, NH 03031

22 Priscilla Circle Wellesley MA 02481


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Young Judaea, located on Baboosic Lake in southern New Hampshire, offers an amazing overnight camping experience for children ages 8-15 from a variety of Jewish backgrounds. Safe, supportive and welcoming atmosphere; caring, competent college-age counselors. Beautiful facilities including sparkling pool, eight tennis courts, multiple playing fields and more. We offer fantastic horseback riding and farm care programs at a nearby stable!!

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Weightloss, Soccer, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Riflery & Archery Lifeguarding Lacrosse Ultimate Frisbee Waterskiing/Wakeboarding Paddleboarding Outdoor Camping & Hiking Project Adventure Low Ropes Course

Camp Young Judaea is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Amherst New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Team Sports, Sailing, Musical Theater and more. Camp Young Judaea is a top Coed Camp for ages: 8 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Young Judaea, located on a lake on 169 acres in southern New Hampshire one hour from Boston, has offered a memorable overnight camping experience for Jewish children ages 8-15 from a wide variety of Jewish backgrounds, for more than 75 years.

CAMP FACILITIES: Beautiful facilities including large, new pool AND lovely private lake for boating, fishing, waterskiing and swimming, eight tennis courts, bright and airy dining hall, multiple playing fields, large Arts and Crafts studio and fantastic indoor gym and theater facilities. Both boys and girls areas (new cabins in girls area in Summer '17) feature rustic but comfortable wooden cabins.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Come find out why our camper return rate is more than 90 percent every summer. Huge range of activities, sports and team opportunities, arts programs, specialty clubs, outdoor adventure and more, all in an upbeat Jewish environment. Three and a half and seven-week sessions; new two-week program now available! Delicious kosher food; lifelong friends, ruach and FUN! Call, email or come for a tour this summer! Many age groups already booked for Summer 2018, so please call or email us about space availability. Or consider seeing camp in action this us to book a tour!

Huge range of activities, sports and team opportunities, art, music, dance and drama programs, specialty clubs, outdoor adventure, plus trips, intercamp sports and tournaments, Color War, engaging evening activities plus Israel Trip/Leadership Training program for former campers only after 10th grade...all in an upbeat Jewish environment. Two-week, three and a half and seven-week sessions available; delicious kosher food; lifelong friends, ruach and FUN! Safe, supportive and welcoming atmosphere, caring, competent counselors (more than 80 percent of them are former campers!!) Call, email or come for a tour this summer to find out why so many of our campers return year after year!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership training program/five-week Israel Trip offered to former campers finishing 10th grade.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid available; please call for more info.

Please see our website for details about Summer 2018 (check under Rates and Dates in the Prospective camper section) but it's best to call about availability since many of our age groups are already booked for this summer! We look forward to hearing from you!

Want to have the summer of your life? Camp Young Judaea in southern New Hampshire seeks kid-loving, upbeat bunk counselors/activity specialists ages 18+ (must be completing first year of college). Kosher camp with kids and staff from a variety of Jewish backgrounds welcomed. Looking especially for certified waterfront staff, tennis staff with coaching experience and pottery or woodworking A&C staff.

Give us a call...great community, fun environment, decent pay and tips, and the guaranteed most fun, rewarding summer of your life!

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Camp Young Judaea

There are 32 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Oliver Hazard Perry - Adventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Oliver Hazard Perry - Adventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens Website
(401) 841-0080
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Block Island, RI
Vinyard Haven, MA
Provincetown, MA
Newport, RI
Nantucket, MA
Boston, MA
Portsmouth NH
Greenport, NY
Nova Scocia, Canada
Portland ME, and more!

11A Bridge Street
Newport, RI 02840

CAMPER AGES: 12-14, 15-18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Sail the coast of New England and beyond this summer on America's newest Tall Ship! The Oliver Hazard Perry is Rhode Island's official sailing education vessel, and is the first of it's kind to be built in America in over 100 years! At 200 feet in length, the SSV Perry is a fabulous platform for adventure, teamwork, exploration and fun! Sail with a professional crew who will teach you the ropes. Learn to steer the ship, set the sails, and work as part of a team. See the beauty of the ocean from an unforgettable perspective - call us today, or check out Our Camp Website Link: for more information!

Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Math, Science, Technology, Adventure, Travel, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Maritime History, Marine Biology, Maritime Literature

CAMP LOCATION: Our office is located in downtown Newport, RI. This ship will move throughout New England, visiting the ports of Newport, Block Island and Providence RI, Boston, Nantucket, and Provincetown MA, Portsmouth NH, Portland ME, and many more destinations. Check Our Camp Website Link: for specific itineraries.

CAMP FACILITIES: At 200 feet, the Oliver Hazard Perry is the first ocean-going full-rigged ship to be built in the U.S. in over 100 years. It is the largest civilian sail training vessel in America. She has berths for 49 people overnight, and with 17 crew, a low camper to crew ratio creates a safe and fun environment. The ship is equipped with a steel hull, 3 masts, with square sails on all three masts, 20 sails totaling 14,000 square feet, and 7 miles of rope and wire. The engines run on a bio-diesel blend, and the ship is equipped with a modern galley (on-board kitchen), central air, an on-deck science lab, a library and wheel-chair accessibility above and below decks.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: With 17 professional crew and a capacity for 30-34 campers, our program promotes a dynamic and safe learning environment with a 2:1 ratio of campers to instructors. Campers will feel the thrill of steering a 500-ton ship, and learn to work the yards and sails while exploring the beautiful coasts of New England. They will learn safety at sea and perform important safety drills while acquiring skills in navigation, seamanship, sail handling, knots, and the language of the boat. Campers will explore the underwater world through snorkeling. They will understand wind, waves, tides and the ecology of sandy and rocky seashores. Sunsets, sunrises and the night sky will serve as the backdrop for this incredible experience, in addition to marine phosphorescence, dolphins and whales. Teamwork is an integral part of success onboard the boat, and in addition to learning about themselves, and achieving things they never imagined, they will make friendships to last a lifetime.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: In addition to witnessing the natural magic of the ocean and its inhabitants, each student crew will make friendships to last a lifetime. Campers will take responsibility for themselves and their fellow shipmates, learning to work as a team with others as they hoist and brace the yards on the ship's 130-foot tall rig and apply acquired navigational skills to guide the ship's course on a voyage of discovery.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: As a non-profit organization we are committed to making this amazing experience available to everyone. Because we are new, an endowment for scholarships is still being developed, however the first 10 sign ups will receive a 10% discount! Please contact us for group discounts. Scholarships will be made available in the near future.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Perry will sail year-round, offering experiences for high school and college age students, as well as adult sail-training and team building. The ship will spend the Summers in New England and the Winters in Florida, the Bahamas and the Caribbean.


Sailing School Vessel Oliver Hazard Perry is Rhode Island’s official sailing education vessel and flagship non-profit maritime campus, offering experience-based, core learning opportunities to a diverse student population, including those with disabilities, aboard a magnificent 196-foot, three-masted, square-rigged tall ship.

We achieve our mission in collaboration with Rhode Island educational institutions and the marine industry with a sustainable plan that promotes our sea-faring heritage with programs that serve as symbols for our stewardship of the Ocean State’s maritime environment.

Camp price for six days/nights is $1,600 (10% discount early bird special for the first 10 campers to sign up!), which includes all meals and seamanship/sailing instruction.

Our tentative schedule can be found at Our Camp Website Link: Please e-mail info[AT] to sign up, or call the office at (401) 841-0080

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Oliver Hazard PerryAdventure at Sea Summer Camps for Teens

There are 31 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Breakthrough Basketball Camps
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Breakthrough Basketball Camps Website
866-846-7892 x 1
Various Cities Across the US and Canada
Various Locations

WEST: Alaska. California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Hawaii, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont

CANADA: Alberta, Ontario

OTHER: Scotland

5001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

CAMPER AGES: K - 12th grades


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Basketball camps for boys and girls, grades K thru 12, with locations across the US, Canada and Scotland.

Basketball, and more.

Breakthrough Basketball Camps is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in  New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Basketball and more. Breakthrough Basketball Camps is a top Coed Camp for ages: K - 12th grades.

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Breakthrough Basketball Camps

There are 30 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

High Standard Stable
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Visit Our High Standard Stable Website
305 Peverly Hill rd
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

CAMPER AGES: 4 and above

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am-3pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A camp welcome to those with or without experience with horses. Ride, learn about and do other fun activities with horses.

Horses/Equestrian, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

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High Standard Stable

There are 29 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Summer Youth Music School (SYMS)
Durham, New Hampshire

Visit Our Summer Youth Music School (SYMS) Website
(603) 862-2404
30 Academic Way
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire 03824

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.

CAMPER AGES: 12 - 18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Residential overnight.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Music/Band, and more. Orchestra, Chorus, Jazz, Piano & Guitar

CAMP LOCATION: Located in the Department of Music at the beautiful University of New Hampshire

CAMP FACILITIES: Take advantage of modern university facilities for classes, meals, dorms and recreation. Concerts in the air-conditioned Johnson Theater.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Performing music ensembles and classes, including class lessons and private lessons, geared for for musicians of various ages. Over 65 years of vibrant summer music making.

SYMS Prep for students leaving grades 4-6 - July 8-12 (day program, $175).

Junior Session for students leaving grades7 &8 - July 14-19 ($700).

Senior Session for high school students - July 23-Aug. 3 ($1100).

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Summer Youth Music School SYMS

There are 28 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Creative Arts at Keene (C.A.K.E.) Summer Camp
Keene, New Hampshire

Visit Our Creative Arts at Keene (C.A.K.E.) Summer Camp Website
40 Roxbury Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03431

Watch Our Creative Arts at Keene (C.A.K.E.) Summer Camp Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: C.A.K.E. is a multi-arts day camp for kids 3rd–12th grade. Choose your classes in art, writing, dance, drama, music, photography, tech theatre, video, and more!

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the heart of downtown Keene, NH. Please visit our website for more information!

CAMP FACILITIES: MoCo Arts has three full size studios and a black box theatre that holds up to 200 people. Through special arrangement with other area organizations, campers will have the opportunity to participate in various classes at several locations in downtown Keene, NH.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Tuition assistance is available for all MoCo Arts classes and camps! Download the application on our website.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: MoCo Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit arts education organization offering instruction in dance and theatre, as well multi-arts camps for children ages 18 months to 18+ years.

C.A.K.E. summer camp runs from July 1st - 26th, 2019. Campers can register for one, two, three, or all four weeks of camp. Please refer to our website for more information.

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Creative Arts at Keene CAKE Summer Camp

There are 27 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Millworks Theatre Troupe Theatre Camps
Dover, NH

Visit Our Millworks Theatre Troupe Theatre Camps Website
The Strand Theater
20 Third Strret
Dover, NH



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Millworks Theatre Troupe Camp consists of 3 summer performance camps and 2 school vacation camps during the year! An exciting program where kids of all ages can come and learn theatre technique, games, and put together a show at the end of each session. Camps are taught by award winning director, Sharon Arsenault!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We welcome campers with special needs with advance notice so we can prepare and make any necessary accommodations needed to make the camper feel comfortable.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located at the historic Strand Theatre at 20 Third Street in Dover, NH

CAMP FACILITIES: The theatre is air-conditioned and has a great dance floor and staging area, lighting and sound

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In each session, kids learn how to put a how together a broadway show in two weeks using theatre games, techniques, set design, costume design and so much more.

Directed by award winning director Sharon Arsenault, Millworks Theatre Troupes mission has been to instill confidence and self-esteem in children and give them an outlet where they can be themselves. The greatest joy we have is seeing the look on a Childs face when they realize they can shine!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We do offer CIT training and leadership train;

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer limited scholarships for each camp.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We also offer classes and programs durning the year

Please go to Our Camp Website Link: for further information.

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Millworks Theatre Troupe Theatre Camps

There are 26 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Granite State Running Camp
Wilmot, New Hampshire

Visit Our Granite State Running Camp Website
5 Whites Pond Road
Wilmot, New Hampshire 01890

53 Brookside Avenue Winchester, MA 01890

Watch Our Granite State Running Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Granite State Running Camp is a week-long co-ed training camp for high school runners of all abilities. Knowledgable staff, scenic runs, tasty food, and tons of fun will make this the best week of your summer.

Team Sports, and more. Cross Country Running

CAMP LOCATION: Located at the peaceful surroundings of Camp Wilmot in the Lake Sunapee region of New Hampshire. Our runs are done on the dirt roads, trails, and rail trails in the area.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers are housed in cabins and have ample opportunity to take advantage of the waterfront, volleyball court, soccer field, and nature trails available.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are a week long camp that specializes in providing instruction to all levels of runners. Our championship level coaches will work with the runners to give them a greater understanding and appreciation of the sport. In addition to great coaches we have guest speakers daily and evening activities that allow all campers to relax and have fun.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please contact the Camp Director on availability of financial aid.

August 6-12. Our rate for the week is $615 for individual campers or $599 for any teams of 5 or more runners. Check our website at Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

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Granite State Running Camp

There are 25 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Music Creators Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our Music Creators Academy Website

3805 S. Valmore Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47403


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekdays 11 AM–12 PM and 2–4 PM EDT

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Join fellow middle- and high-school music students in making new music for virtual ensembles mentored by renowned com- posers, including Brian Balmages, Steven Bryant, Viet Cuong, Tyler Grant, Garrett Hope, Cait Nishimura, Benjamin Taylor, Alex Shapiro, Joseph Sowa, and Haley Woodrow. Together, we will expand our creative abilities and forge new musical friendships for the social distancing era and beyond.

Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: All camp activities take place online via Zoom. Participants from across North America are welcome!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each student will participate in:

• A large ensemble—which will workshop and give the world premiere of a new work by one of the mentor composers
• A small ensemble—which will co-create, rehearse, and premiere new work(s) by the student participants
• A small home group—which will feature games and social activities
• (Optional) Two, hour-long private composition les- sons—which will give students professional feedback on their music and personalized instruction
• A final, virtual concert—on Friday, July 31, 2 PM EDT

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We desire to make it possible for everyone who wants to join us to be able to participate regardless of family finances. We have a limited amount of funds available. Please email for more information.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Technology Requirements:

• Desktop or laptop computer (Mac preferred)
• A separate device to record audio/video (such as a tablet or smartphone)
• Headphones or earbuds
• An external microphone and audio interface would provide a better experience, but are not mandatory
• All enrolled students will receive a FREE, 90-day license for Dorico Pro 3.5

• No audition or prior composition experience required.
• Base Tuition: $450
• Registration Deadline: July 1, 2020

To learn more and to register, please visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Music Creators Academy

There are 24 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

American Youth Foundation - Camp Merrowvista
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our American Youth Foundation - Camp Merrowvista Website
147 Canaan Rd
Center Tuftonboro, New Hampshire 03816

Camp Miniwanca, Michigan

Watch Our American Youth Foundation - Camp Merrowvista Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: As a leader in youth development, Merrowvista inspires campers to be their best selves. We work together to create an inclusive community where individuals are respected, and where our values guide our actions. Merrowvista Campers find a progression of age appropriate challenges, adventures and opportunities waiting for them.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Arts & Crafts (ceramics, Jewelry Making, Painting, Drawing, Woodworking, & Many Other Crafts); Sports (field Hockey, Frisbee, Frisbee Golf, Archery, Kickball); Outdoor Adventure (rock Climbing, Forest Exploration, Outdoor Survival)

CAMP LOCATION: Merrowvista is located in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire, two hours north of Boston, Massachusetts. Situated on 600 acres in the pristine Ossipee Mountains, Merrowvista draws you into a life that is rustic, uncomplicated and filled with excitement. Trails lead through forests to peaks just waiting to be explored. Dan Hole Pond, a crystal clear lake, is the hub of waterfront activities. Visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: to take a virtual tour.

CAMP FACILITIES: The Merrowvista facility includes beloved older structures as well as many newly constructed facilities, such as bathrooms, camper cabins, eating lodge, and our indoor adventure center. Younger campers live in cabins with electricity in the center of camp, while older campers live in more rustic cabins in the woods.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Campers 8-13 build their day around activities ranging from sports, windsurfing, sailing, woodworking, performing arts, nature, arts and much more! Campers 14-17 challenge themselves on 4-21 day wilderness adventure trips - bicycle touring, canoeing, and backpacking throughout New England and Canada.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Applicants for our Leader in Training program must be 18 years old or just graduating from high school.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Need based scholarships available

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Groups visit Merrowvista year-round as part of our Community and School Programs to learn leadership and teamwork skills, and experience the outdoors.

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: or e-mail merrowvistacamps[AT] to request dates, tuition rates, and program availability.

E-mail merrowvistacamps[AT] for more information about summer positions.

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American Youth FoundationCamp Merrowvista

There are 23 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

No.1 Soccer Camps
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our No.1 Soccer Camps Website
13294 Amblewood dr.
Manassas, Virginia 20112

Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, California, Texas, Oregon, Alabama, Oregon


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: No. 1 Soccer Camps is celebrating its 41st season of training soccer players. Our go-to-goal curriculum is based inside the final 35 yards for both the goalkeeper and striker. It has been a No. 1 Soccer Camp staple since Dr. Joe Machnik founded the camp in 1977.

Soccer, and more.

No.1 Soccer Camps is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Manassas New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Soccer and more. No.1 Soccer Camps is a top Coed Camp for ages: 6-18.

CAMP LOCATION: No. 1 Soccer Camps offers five levels of camp; Youth Academy, Junior Academy, Senior Academy, College Prep and College Showcase at 28 sites across the country.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities are always first class. Most of the No.1 Soccer Camps are held on renown college campuses or private schools throughout the United States.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: No. 1 Soccer Camps offers a camp for all levels of players.

1) Youth Academy - Designed for boys and girls ages 6-10. Fun, exciting and engaging activities are all part of the week. We do this with individual and small group activities with the introduction of fun technical exercises and games that are engaging and pertinent for the age group and ability level. With our unique curriculum youth players will be exposed to the proper technique such as shooting, dribbling, 1v1, crossing and much more.

2) Junior Academy - Designed for boys & girls, goalkeepers and field players ages 10-13. The program has been designed to build a foundation that will help the participant’s progress to the next level. This will be accomplished in a fun, entertaining and positive environment. Each session will be progressive in nature and will conclude with a relative small-sided game that will highlight the topic of the session. Competitive tournaments will be played throughout the week, and be the highlight of our evening sessions.

3) Senior Academy - Designed for High School players, including incoming freshmen, who are ready to play and be trained at the next level. . Throughout the week, players will be put in a competitive environment that will bring out their very best. Players will be exposed to the four dimensions of training, Physical, Technical, Tactical and Psychological. In our unique evening competitions, players will have the opportunity to compete against other teams, other players and themselves.

4) College Prep Academy - Our goal is to provide an incredible environment where serious soccer players will be exposed to the highest level of instruction in anticipation of playing at the highest level possible. High Performance Seminars will be led by trusted experts in their field and will include: Sports Nutrition, Soccer Specific Conditioning, ACT/SAT Preparation and Sport Psychology. Goalkeepers and field players will be exposed to an intensive training environment for those who are serious about fulfilling their potential.

5) College Showcase Camps - Now available for the serious soccer player at select No.1 Soccer Camp sites throughout the country. The directors of our College ID Showcase Camps are all currently active college coaches. In addition, the College Showcase ID Camps allow you to be seen by, and to work directly with college coaches and their assistants from programs all over the US. The philosophy of the College Showcase ID Camps is to provide you with a more intimate environment from which to experience what College coaches expect from their players.

Please refer to our website for a site and date that will work for you at: Our Camp Website Link:

The No.1 Soccer Camps hires well qualified staff coaches. Please visit our website to fill out an application and to learn more about our programs.

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No1 Soccer Camps

There are 22 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps Website
Multiple Locations in 28 States, Nationwide
543 Rubber Ave
Naugatuck, California 06770

Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming

224 Greenfield Avenue, Ste. B
San Anselmo, California 94960

Watch Our Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Full Day and Half Day Options

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Play-Well TEKnologies uses LEGO-inspired engineering and hands on learning to teach kids STEM concepts. Learn about science, technology, engineering and math in our fun camps. We offer various themes like Minecraft, Star Wars, Girl Power and more!

Math, Science, Technology, and more.

Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Naugatuck New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Science, Math, Technology and more. Play-Well TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps is a top Coed Camp for ages: 5 - 12.

CAMP LOCATION: Play-Well Teknologies has camp locations in 28 states across the U.S. including Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Each state has various locations for camps.

Play-Well TEKnologies offers camps at many locations in each state. Please visit our website to find a camp near you! Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: We partner with park and rec facilities, and other organizations to offer camp in many locations.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We have outstanding instructors. They teach year-round and make the curriculum their own, so that each program is a uniquely fun experience.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Play-Well TEKnologies also offers after-school classes, team building workshops, homeschool workshops, birthday parties and more!

We offer many sessions throughout the summer.

We are always looking for more smart, creative, dynamic Engineering Instructors to lead our enrichment classes, summer camps and birthday parties throughout the year!

Now accepting applications for seasonal Summer Assistants to support our day camps around the country. Learn more here: Our Camp Website Link:

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PlayWell TEKnologies LEGO Inspired STEM Camps

There are 21 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Green Mountain Running Camp
Meriden, New Hampshire

Visit Our Green Mountain Running Camp Website
7 Campus Center Drive
Meriden, New Hampshire 03770

Watch Our Green Mountain Running Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Nike Green Mountain Running Camp offers the perfect mix of learning, training and recreation for both high school and middle school cross country runners.

Welcome to our 43rd summer at GMRC! The Green Mountain Running Camp is held on the gorgeous 1,300 acre campus of Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, NH, located just 13 miles south of Dartmouth College. The bucolic KUA campus offers miles of beautiful, wide running trails, right from campus.

Weightloss, and more. Running.

CAMP LOCATION: Kimball Union Academy in Meriden, NH, located just 13 miles south of Dartmouth College.

CAMP FACILITIES: Campers stay in the single gender dorms on campus. Rooms are single, double, some triples and quads, with shared baths on the hall. We can room teams together encouraging team bonding. KUA offers a gorgeous dining hall with healthy dining options. (Wait till you taste the local chocolate milk!) Campus dining is open over the weekends for multiple week campers.

We have full access to the school's indoor ice rink (no ice) and huge indoor turf facility (80 yards x 50 yards) for rainy day training, yoga sessions and evening ultimate Frisbee tournaments! Breakout sessions are held in the state-of-the-art classrooms and guest speakers appear in the school's gorgeous auditorium.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Highlights Include

Top notch college and high school coaching.
Advanced Placement (AP) Cross Country Class for those elite runners who desire college level instruction about the Art & Science of Running.
Video taping with personal form analysis.
Pacing workouts each day on the track, which reinforce the educational component of our Effort Based Training philosophy.
Nike Green Mountain Running Camp T-shirt.
Fleet Feet store on campus offering fun, new Nike product. Campers can test out the latest in Nike shoes.

Please visit the camp webpage for additional information
Our Camp Website Link:

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Green Mountain Running Camp

There are 20 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

KaiPod Weekly Summer Enrichment Program
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our KaiPod Weekly Summer Enrichment Program Website
Newton, Massachusetts

New Hampshire



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Our summer programs are intentionally designed small group programs with a maximum of 12 kids to guarantee an engaging and captivating experience for each participant. Every day, students will participate in three hours of enrichment focused on an engaging theme and will also have lots of opportunities to play games, socialize, and participate in facilitated fun led by our incredible Learning Coaches.

Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more.

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KaiPod Weekly Summer Enrichment Program

There are 19 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run
Alton, NH

Visit Our Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run Website
603 875 3600
34 Camp Brookwoods Rd
Alton, NH 03809


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. 2-weeks or 4-week Sessions

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

Basketball, Football, Baseball, Soccer, Golf, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Rock Climbing, Paintball, Archery, Riflery, Waterskiing, Wake Boarding, Blobbing, Tubing, Windsurfing, Paddle Boards

CAMP LOCATION: With over 400 acres on the prestine shore of Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run offer an outstanding setting for summer camp activities. We server campers from all over the US and the world.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities are extremely well maintained of the highest quality. We pride ourselves on creating the right balance between a outdoor camp feel and comfortable, practical cabins. Our waterfront is unmatched in New England for beauty and functionality with large sandy beaches that gradually recede to views of the White Mountains.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Brookwoods for Boys was founded in 1944 to provide a Christian based outdoor camping experience. In 1964, Camp Deer Run for girls was added to provide the same excellence in Christian Camping. Since that time we have been serving boys and girls by teaching them new skill, providing opportunities for adventure and mentoring them in a loving Christian environment.

We are ACA accredited and also member of the Christian Camps and Conferences Association.

Our staff is carefully chosen from some of the finest schools. All our counselors have completed at least 1 year at college and most of them have come up through our program.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is available on request and need.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our excellent facilities are available for your retreat or conference group. Call us for information 603-875-3600.

Please see our website for current rates and dates.

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Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run

There are 18 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Google's Maker Camp
Available Online

Visit Our Google's Maker Camp Website
Online Camp
Available Online



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Computers, Science, Technology, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: The Google Makers Camp is entirely online.

The following participating locations are providing internet access for free as well:

Rhode island
Warwick Public Library

New Hampshire
Keene Public Library
Boys & Girls Club of Nashua

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston: Jordan Boys and Girls Club
Boston Museum of Science
Duxbury Free Library
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Billerica
Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A FREE summer camp for building, tinkering and exploring. Online and in your neighborhood!

Register here at Our Camp Website Link:

Each weekday morning, Maker will post a new project or activity on their Google+ page—30 things to make over six weeks. Each weekday afternoon at 2 PM, tune in to a live Google+ Hangout On Air to meet expert makers who create amazing things.

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Googles Maker Camp

There are 17 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Camp Walt Whitman
Piermont, New Hampshire

Visit Our Camp Walt Whitman Website
1000 Cape Moonshine Rd
Piermont, New Hampshire 03779

Camp Walt Whitman
4 New King St
White Plains, NY 10604

Watch Our Camp Walt Whitman Video

CAMPER AGES: 7 to 15

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The premier coed summer camp in New England, Walt Whitman has been family run for three generations. We're known for our warm community, fun, and our focus on each individual child's growth and development.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Basketball, Football, Baseball, Weightloss, Soccer, Golf, Gymnastics, Horses/Equestrian, Swimming, Tennis, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Volleyball, Team Sports, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Street Hockey, High Ropes Course, Climbing Tower, Archery, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Nature, Ceramics, Woodworking, Cooking, Wind Surfing, Water Skiiing, Wake Boarding, Kayaking, Windsurfing, & Fishing.

Camp Walt Whitman is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Piermont New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Golf, Football, Weightloss and more. Camp Walt Whitman is a top Coed Camp for ages: 7 to 15.

CAMP LOCATION: Walt Whitman is located in the beautiful state of New Hampshire, just a few miles from the Vermont border, and within easy driving distance of New York and Boston.

In addition to near-perfect summer weather (low humidity, warm days and cool nights), our surroundings play an important role in making Camp Walt Whitman what it is.

Our 300 acre campground is idyllically located down a quiet dirt road, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We sit on the south shore of beautiful Lake Armington, surrounded by mountains on all sides.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our incredible breadth of programming would not be possible without tremendous facilities. These include:
- A heated Olympic size swimming pool for swim instruction
- 11 clay tennis courts
- Indoor and outdoor basketball courts
- Gymnastics pavillion
- Dance studio
- A pristine lake for swimming and boating
- Baseball fields
- Soccer fields
- Lacrosse field
- Street hockey rink
- Cooking studios
- Gaga pit
- Woodworking studio
- Ceramics studio
- Arts and crafts studio
- Theater
- Large indoor rainy day facilities
- Campfire bowl
- Amphitheater
- High ropes course
- Low ropes course
- Climbing tower
- Bouldering wall
- Golf driving range
- Beach volleyball

* See our website and utilize our interactive map to view all of our facilities

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Camp Walt Whitman summer program offers campers an opportunity to learn new skills, to develop confidence, and explore new passions all while having loads of fun.

In our warm and supportive environment, children learn that they can enjoy an activity no matter their skill level or previous experience.

We pride ourselves on providing high quality instruction in a great atmospher that simply allows children to thrive and have fun!

We provide a tremendous variety of activities - over 50 different choices among land sports, water sports, outdoor adventure, and the arts.

Our program is balanced to allow our summer campers to deepen close friendships by sharing three scheduled cabin activities each day while also exploring their own individual interests through our extensive range of electives.

These electives include a daily choice as well as a week long elective period called SIGs (Special Interest Groups) which function as mini-specialty sports camps.

Sports at Walt Whitman:
From baseball and basketball to hockey and lacrosse; from softball and gymnastics to flag football and soccer athletics are scheduled regularly for every camper in every cabin. Whether a beginner or an advanced player, each child receives expert instruction in all sports, which increases their ability to play and their sheer enjoyment of the game.

Collegiate Athletes and Coaches:
Our coaches, most of whom are current or former collegiate athletes and coaches, place their emphasis on building strong skills, having fun, sharing their passion for their sport, and teaching our campers that no matter what their ability level they can enjoy participating in the activity.

Our most advanced athletes will choose in-depth athletic clinics during their elective time and their week-long specialty classes. Inter-camp sports competitions against nearby camps provide wonderful opportunities for challenge and competition in a fun environment.

Professional Tennis Instruction:
Our experienced tennis staff is led by Dave Porter. Dave is a USPTA National Past President and is the current Chair of the Player Development Council. He is the longtime Head Coach of the BYU Hawaii men's and women's tennis teams, where he has won a combined 10 Division II NCAA championships, as well as being named Collegiate Coach of the Year 5 times. In 2012 Dave was named as the USPTA Tennis Professional of the Year.

Dave oversees a staff that offers all of our summer camp kids excellent, regularly scheduled instruction for all levels on our 11 clay tennis courts.

Campers with a passion for tennis can also choose tennis for their daily elective and for their week-long specialty.

Exciting in-camp ladder play and tournaments complement a very active intercamp schedule.

Intensive Tennis Program:
If advancement in tennis is a priority, campers may choose to participate in our Intensive Tennis Program, which provides campers with two additional private lessons each week

Swim Instruction:
On the Waterfront, our goals are to encourage children to enjoy the water and learn to swim using the proper techniques and standards of the American Red Cross.

Certified Water Safety Instructors provide group and individual instruction for beginners up to the most advanced swimmers. With small class sizes, our campers can receive high quality instruction in a fun environment.

We utilize our heated pool for our instruction which enables our campers to stay warm during the 50 minute swim class.

Boating Instruction:
Under the direction of expert instructors, our emphasis is on proper technique, proper safety practices, and plenty of simple FUN! Our exciting boating program includes:
Water-skiing ,Windsurfing, Sailing, Wake boarding, Canoeing, Paddle boarding, Kayaking

Outdoor Adventure:
Majestic forests and the historic White Mountains surround our 300 acre campus where we encourage the appreciation and enjoyment of nature.

Our Outdoor Adventure Program is unique in the world of camping today and provides campers with experiences they can't get anywhere else. These are experiences they remember for a lifetime.

Participation in these outdoor activities enable children to develop confidence, leadership skills, and a spirit of adventure. In awe-inspiring locations, our campers develop a sense of responsibility for all that surrounds them.

Certified professional staff help campers learn to set goals for themselves, whether attempting the Climbing Wall, working together on the Low or High Ropes Courses, pitching a tent on an overnight camping trip, challenging the rapids while White Water Rafting or exploring mountain trails on a hike.

Weekly day trips are scheduled for every group. Our campers challenge themselves on these adventures while also enjoying the simple pleasures of eating s'mores and chatting around the campfire.

Our older campers have the opportunity to participate in 3 and 5 day backpacking adventures, biking trips, and canoeing expeditions. In addition, these campers enjoy week-long trips to the Maine seacoast, Acadia National Park, Montreal, and Quebec City.

The Arts:
A broad spectrum of arts programs provides many outlets for campers' creative interests and talents.

Professional artists and teachers work with children in separate, well-equipped studios for ceramics, woodworking and crafts.The arts programs at CWW are designed for all ages and ability levels. Enjoyment of, and exposure to, the arts are our goals.

Studios buzz with excitement as campers saw and sand the pieces of a chess set, throw the perfect pot on the pottery wheel, or make t-shirts in our crafts studio.

Our end of summer Art Show displays the impressive work of our campers from all three studios and is

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Walt Whitman is fortunate to attract particularly nice kids, down-to-earth families, and a strong, experienced, and motivated staff. Our campers are encouraged to be active participants, willing to stretch themselves to try new things and overcome challenges.

Camp Walt Whitman is a community that encourages friendship, leadership, responsibility, and teamwork. Herein lies the fundamental mission of Walt Whitman as we help campers discover their own unique potential while understanding what it means to be part of a bigger community.

Camp Walt Whitman is a place where kids have fun and everyone is open to new ideas and experiences. Developing friendships is easy. The focal point of the Walt Whitman experience is the Cabin Group, which forms a camper's summer family. Not only do campers live together in their cabin, but they also participate as a group in many of their activities throughout the day.

Through living and learning together, campers really get to know and like one another. They learn how to accommodate and respect each other's differences and, in the process, become good friends.

As a result, campers frequently visit each other throughout the year and remain friends long after the summer's end. Making lifelong friendships is a priceless part of your child's summers at Walt Whitman.

Three staff members live in each cabin. The two cabin counselors stay with the group all day; the third, an activity specialist, is assigned to teach one of our programs. The result is a strong, cohesive group of children, supervised by adults who know them well and can appropriately encourage and motivate while providing guidance and fun!

Summer 2017 Dates and Rates

Full Summer: June 24 to August 12, $12,150

July Session: June 24 to July 22, $8,600

August Session: July 23 to August 12, $5,900

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Camp Walt Whitman

There are 16 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

PGC Basketball
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our PGC Basketball Website
Choose from over 80 camps across the US and Canada each year
Across the US and Canada

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario

P.O. Box 2202
Mandeville, LA 70470

Watch Our PGC Basketball Video

CAMPER AGES: Overnight Camps for 7th thru 12th grades; Skills Academy day camps for 4th thru 7th grades.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


PGC Basketball offers game-changing basketball camps for boys and girls entering grades 4 through 12, with locations coast to coast in the United States and Canada. Plus, coaches attend PGC too!

Each summer, 10,000 players from middle school to college attend a PGC Basketball camp or Skills Academy. PGC is for dedicated players who truly want to get better and players of all positions are welcome!

Any player will benefit from PGC—regardless of position or skills—as long as they want to learn and get better.

Basketball, and more. Beyond The Game. At PGC Basketball Camps, Players Develop A Winning Mindset & Leadership Skills On & Off The Court. There Is No Other Place On The Planet Like PGC To Develop A Player's Basketball IQ, Mindset, Leadership, Playmaking, & Confidence — All At The Same Time.

CAMP LOCATION: PGC partners with schools, universities, and private training facilities in 30+ US states and Canadian provinces providing a wide selection of camp locations to choose from. Visit our schedule & locations page for more details: Our Camp Website Link:

Locations include:

WEST: California, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Wyoming

MIDWEST: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

NORTHEAST: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

SOUTHWEST: Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

SOUTHEAST: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia<

Canada: Alberta, Ontario


For 28 years, PGC Basketball has been the worldwide leader in teaching players how to think the game, be a leader, and run the show.

We believe every player deserves to know how to unlock their potential. We believe every player deserves to discover how to be a leader on and off the court. And, we believe every player deserves to know how to use the game to propel themselves to success in life.

At PGC Basketball, we’re a team of passionate teachers of the game who won’t stop at anything in our quest to inspire and equip dedicated players and coaches everywhere.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Since 2012, PGC has provided more than $500,000 in financial assistance. Each year, we do our best to assist as many families as possible.

Scholarship applications begin each spring for summer sessions at: Our Camp Website Link:

Visit our website to learn about our summer overnight basketball camps, our skills academy camps for youth players, and our fall weekend camps.

Our PGC staff are remarkable individuals with a passion to learn, grow, and impact others. There are three ways to get involved: be a volunteer coach, join our paid summer staff, or join our year-round team.

Our Camp Website Link:

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PGC Basketball

There are 15 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

One Light Theatre Performing Arts Summer Camp
Andover, New Hampshire

Visit Our One Light Theatre Performing Arts Summer Camp Website
20 School St
Andover, New Hampshire 03216

1044 North Main Street, Bristol, NH 03222


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 8am - 4 pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: One Light Theatre's summer day camp offers a unique experience for all of its campers. Children will participate in team building activities that focus on the creative arts. They will also have the chance to fine tune their craft with voice lessons, dance classes, and acting workshops, all led by professionals who have years of experience in the world of theatre arts. All of these workshops will culminate in a full scale musical to perform at the end of the week!

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Music/Band, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Our camp is held at the Andover Elementary/Middle School, conveniently located close to the Lakes Region.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All of our staff have years of experience and practice in their fields.

For 2017 our camp will be running from July 10-14.

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One Light Theatre Performing Arts Summer Camp

There are 14 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp
Online Camp

Visit Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Website
Virtual - Online

Watch Our Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 3-17, depending on camp

TYPE OF CAMP: Online. M-Th, 2 hours/day

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer camps are a great way to have fun, socialize, create, and explore! With new themes each week, there's sure to be a camp that excites your child! Weekly camp themes include cooking, art, LEGO, science, wizards & magic, around the world, coding, and many more! All camps take place via Zoom and one registration covers all children in the same household!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Children with special needs are welcome to attend!

Fine Arts/Crafts, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, and more. See Specialty Camp Info Below

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All camps are run by Ignite Learning Academy, a fully accredited online private school serving students in preschool through grade 12. Camp leaders include faculty, administration, and external experts in the areas they will be teaching.

Around the World Camp
Art Camp: Arts & Crafts with Found Objects
Art Camp: Drawing
Art Camp: Painting
Cooking Camp
DIY/Pinterest Camp
Hawaiian Hullabaloo Camp
JavaScript Coding Camp
Leading Ladies Camp
Mad Science Camp
Outdoor Explorers Camp
Scratch Coding Camp
Wizards & Magic Camp
Storytime & Craft Camp

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: to view the dates associated with each individual camp.

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Ignite Learning Academy Virtual Summer Camp

There are 13 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Upside Arts Day Camp
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Visit Our Upside Arts Day Camp Website
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Three 2 week sessions, 9am-4pm daily plus performances on the second weekend.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Upside Arts Day Camp provides a unique summer experience with original shows written specifically for the campers! Students work together to build confidence, creativity, and develop skills needed to perform on stage, while rehearsing for a fully staged production.

Theater, Musical Theater, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: 2019 Camp Location: Portsmouth Middle School
(155 Parrott Ave, Portsmouth, NH 03801)

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Upside Arts is a theatrical production company for Seacoast area youth and teens that aims to build confidence, sense of self, and empathy through thoughtful, original, and creative storytelling.

Founded in October 2018 by Miles Burns, Seraphina Caligiure, and Alden Caple, and with help from Joshua Goldberg and many parents and friends, we are so excited to be working and creating with the incredibly talented kids on the Seacoast.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselors in Training (CIT's) are campers who demonstrate exemplary leadership, honesty, and responsibility. CIT's act as leaders within camp as well as a support system for their Counselors while still participating in all aspects of camp life. Applications for CIT's will be carefully reviewed as spots are limited.

CITs for Day Camp will receive $300 off tuition. Applicants must be at least 15 years old during camp.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: to apply.

June 24 - July 7
Performances July 6 & 7
*there will be a half day of camp on July 4th

Based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Book adapted by Joshua Goldberg
Lyrics by Joshua Goldberg and Ella McGrail
Music by Joshua Goldberg and Corrie Owens-Beauchesne

Journey with Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Lion- and Toto too- down the Yellow Brick Road! This whimsical new musical adaptation goes back to the roots of L. Frank Baum’s classic novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. When Dorothy is whisked away from dreary Kansas to the magical, marvelous land of Oz, she must travel to the Emerald City to see the Wizard- with helping hands and Wicked Witches around every corner! She’ll soon discover that with a little brains, heart, and courage, home is never far away.

SESSION II: Babe & Bunyan's Big Adventure!
July 8 - July 21
Performances July 20 & 21

A New Musical by Miles Burns

This here is the larger than life story of the legendary folk sidekick, Babe the Big Blue Ox. Being born an oversized blue ox, you can imagine that Babe had a pretty hard time fitting in- that is until he met Paul Bunyan, the mighty lumberjack. Together they cleared forests faster than anyone, and there wasn’t a tangled river they couldn’t straighten out. Some say they even made the 10,000 lakes. It’s going to be a mighty tall tale, and an awfully big adventure!

Session III: Alice
July 22 - August 4
Performances August 3 & 4

Based on Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
Book adapted by Miles Burns
Lyrics by Miles Burns, Scott Hermenau, and Lewis Carroll
Music by Miles Burns and Scott Hermenau

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and of having nothing to do, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. The ever curious Alice followed after him, tumbling down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, where each moment is curiouser and curiouser! There she’ll meet the Hatter at his tea party, the smiling Cheshire Cat, the contrary Tweedle Dum and Dee, the temperamental Queen of Hearts, and all the other mad denizens of Wonderland. Will she ever find a way back to her golden afternoon, and finally discover the answer to the Caterpillar’s question, “Who are you?"


Session I: An Oz Story (June 24 - July 7)
Session I: Babe and Bunyan's Big Adventure! (July 8 - July 21)
Session III: Alice (July 22 - August 4)

Camp Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Early Care (8:30-9am): $50/session
After Care (4-5pm): $100/session

Tuition: $650 per camper/session
Sign up for 2 sessions and receive $100 off!
Spend the whole summer with us and receive $150 off!
Sibling Discount: $75 for each additional registration/session
CIT Discount: $300 off tuition (Ages 15 through 17- must apply)

Visit Our Camp Website Link: to apply.

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Upside Arts Day Camp

There are 12 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

World Scholars Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our World Scholars Academy Website
+1(877) 680-9775

1188 Bishop Street, Suite 1509
Honolulu, HI


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Online.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: World Scholars Academy offers elite summer courses and internships taught by world-leading professional scholars and accompanied by exceptional peers from around the world. Learn advanced study skills and deep conceptual understanding of your subject from the world's most accomplished educators.

Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Volleyball, Team Sports, Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, Adventure, and more.

Business, Medicine, Law, Engineering, International Relations, Creative Writing

Please refer to our website for up-to-date information.

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World Scholars Academy

There are 11 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp
Online Camp Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Visit Our Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp Website

118 North Broad Street
Youth and Family Programs
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Mon-Fri: 9am - 3pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Every day, campers engage in live, interactive art making with their instructors and friends on the video platform Zoom. We also use Canvas for sharing daily schedules, online artwork and discussions between campers and instructors. And as always, every camp week will culminate with a virtual exhibition and opening reception for family and friends live streamed on Zoom.

Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Center City, Philadelphia, PA. one block from historic City Hall.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: - Live Zooming and friendship-making time (prescheduled so your family can plan ahead!)
- Off-screen activities for independent play and learning (and naps! and yard time!)
- Hands-on activities with real art materials (art camp should be a little messy!)
- Small group sizes ensure that campers receive high quality instruction and individual attention from their teachers.
- Daily movement and mindfulness exercises integrated throughout the day to get the wiggles out

Camp tuition includes an Art Toolbox mailed to your home and a live exhibition every Friday that the whole family can attend, even those living far away.

Camp Staff:
Katerina Romanenko, Ph.D. Assistant Director of Youth and Family Programs

An experienced educator and visual culture historian, Dr. Romanenko specializes in Museum education, art history, American History, and object-based learning in formal and informal environments. She holds a PhD in Art History from the City University of New York and for more than 15 years teaches art history and works in Museum education. She also holds a BA in Education Sciences and has experience in research, development and implementation of educational programs for different age groups.

Alicia Mino, Art Educator, Manager of the School and Community Programs

An accomplished practicing artists and art educator, Alicia Mino received her Master’s in visual communication from the Metropolitan University of Chile, She spent fifteen years in Italy studying art history, oil painting, and sculpture. She presented in numerous art exhibitions and founded the Mates Art and Design Studio, where she taught drawing, oil/acrylic painting, and sculpture fundamentals for ten years. In 2008 Alicia moved to Philadelphia where she continues to exhibit her work and teaches art.

Lindsey Murphy, Art Educator and K-8 Program Coordinator

An art educator with over a decade of experience in the field of education, Lindsey Murphy has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology; concentration in Archaeology from Millersville University, and an Elementary Teaching Certification from Millersville University. She worked as a general education classroom teacher in the Oxford Area School District in Chester County, PA for 8 years, and has worked in PAFA’s education department over the past 11 years creating and implementing numerous museum tours and art making experiences for children and families of all backgrounds, becoming the K-8 Program Coordinator in 2019..

Melissa Hendrixson, Art Educator

Melissa Hendrixson is an artist and art educator who has worked in Museum Education for over five years. She has her Bachelor's of Fine Arts and Studio Certificate from Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and has gained experience through assisting the coordination and development of various museum programming including family programs, youth art classes, and summer camps. She now works for the School and Community Partnership Program as an art educator where she develops and implements museum tours, school lessons, and community outreach programs to support student learning, parental engagement and visual literacy initiatives.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: It is our sincere desire that no child be denied the opportunity to attend camp because of financial difficulties. Thanks to our generous donors, PAFA is able to offer a limited number of scholarships.

Please email artcamp[AT] to receive a scholarship application


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: PAFA offers a year round programs, online and in person for youth and families that engage parents and children with the museum collection and art-making. Our programs inculde art classes for middle school students, afterschool program for kids 6-11, and Sunday Family workshops. please visit Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, comic books and graphic novels, collage and mixed media, and video arts.

June 21 - August 13, 8 weeks

Ages: 6-14 (groups: 6-8; 9-11; 12-14)

Mon-Fri from 9am - 3pm each day (except July 5rd).

For camps description, cost and schedule go to the registration website. Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Assistants and Camp Instructors.
Please visit for current job announcements and apply via 
Our Camp Website Link:

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Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Summer Art Camp

There are 10 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

NHIA Youth Arts Summer Sessions
Manchester, New Hampshire

Visit Our NHIA Youth Arts Summer Sessions Website
(603) 836-2119
New Hampshire Institute of Art
148 Concord Street
Manchester, New Hampshire 03104

(603) 836-2119


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily: 8:30 - 5:00pm with breakfast, lunch and snack included

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: NHIA YOUTH ARTS: A Laboratory for Creative Exploration

The New Hampshire Institute of Art is excited to launch a series of Summer Sessions – fun, engaging, and dynamic workshops designed for teens (13 – 18) to explore and challenge their creative potential.
For more information go to: Our Camp Website Link:

Fine Arts/Crafts, Academics, and more. Summer Session: Teen Writers' Workshop

CAMP LOCATION: The New Hampshire Institute of Art
148 Concord Street (French Building)
Manchester, NH 03104-4858

CAMP FACILITIES: All Summer Sessions will take place in New Hampshire Institute of Art's beautiful art studios. Teens will get a first-hand experience of exploring and creating in multiple artistic mediums right on our college campus.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The New Hampshire Institute of Art is excited to launch a series of Summer Sessions – fun, engaging, and dynamic workshops designed for teens (13 – 18) to explore and challenge their creative potential. With a diverse range of topics and themes, these week-long workshops allow young creatives to evolve their skills, try innovative techniques, and create a community of like-minded teens. Each session is built around a unique theme and led by a team of accomplished faculty and visiting artists. Session themes range from developing a portfolio, to creative writing, to exploring and experimenting with 2D, 3D and 4D. Sharing the same structure, each session runs daily from 9am- 4pm with an optional breakfast starting at 8:30am and open studio time available until 5:00pm.

“I am thrilled to be a part of NHIA’s inaugural Youth Arts Summer Session as we expand our mission to create an immersive learning environment for our local teenagers! With highly passionate faculty, state-of-the-art facilities and innovative programming, we have developed a true creative laboratory. We’re committed to providing an opportunity for young people to collaborate, experiment, and critique using new perspectives and technologies to find their personal creative voice. “

-Jaclynn Hart, Director of Youth Arts

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available, please contact YouthArts[AT] for more information.

Summer Session: Teen Writers' Workshop
July 10 – 14

Students interested in the art of writing will explore daily themes with presentations and exercises led by professional writers both visiting and from NHIA faculty. Specific genres will be addressed including Fiction, Storytelling, Graphic Novels, Slam Poetry, and Hybridity. Each day will also include personal writing, readings, and both group discussions along with one-on-one discussions with faculty. The Session concludes with a reception for friends and family while the students offer readings of their work.

Summer Session: Developing a Visual Arts Portfolio
July 17 – 21

Designed for experienced high school artists, this workshop will explore the process of developing of a refined portfolio. Quality, breadth and concentration topics will be examined through digital presentations, discussions and studio work that will assist students as they begin to understand the competitive requirements for college admissions and AP testing. Students will leave with a greater understanding of what is necessary to create a successful portfolio and potential finished portfolio pieces. Emphasis will be placed on creative problem solving and how to select a topic that can support a sustained investigation. Group critiques and activities will be conducted with an emphasis on process and the development of a theme or idea that can generate continued investigation. The Session concludes with a reception for friends and family which will showcase the students’ work.

Summer Session: Art Lab I
July 24 – 28

Areas of focus include: painting, photography, sculpture, and book arts.

Summer Session: Art Lab II
July 31 – August 4

This creative exploration begins with students choosing a morning studio to focus on for the week. The afternoons are a mix of collaborative and cross-disciplinary exercises using a variety of material and with the guidance of the faculty evolves into individual explorations in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional projects. Experimentation is supplemented with discussion and critique, and geared toward students revealing their personal creative voice. This is the perfect opportunity for those interested in pushing their creative boundaries and advancing their work, as well as those interested in creative experimentation and learning new artistic processes. The Session concludes with a reception for friends and family which will showcase the students’ work.

$329 (includes tuition, materials, and meals) for each week-long session.

For more information go to: Our Camp Website Link:

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NHIA Youth Arts Summer Sessions

There are 9 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

STEAM in AI - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students
Online Camp Santa Clara, California

Visit Our STEAM in AI - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students Website
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, California

Watch Our STEAM in AI - Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Online. Weekdays and Weekends

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Are you a High Schooler interested in working on a life changing AI project that will help you learn skills needed for jobs of the future, stand out in college applications and help you create big societal impact? Look no further!! Learn Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research. Learn how to Code. Build AI Projects. Publish on GitHub. Do Research. Publish Research Paper. Earn a Certificate. Earn a Mentor Recommendation Letter. Create Impact. No Pre-requisites.

Computers, Math, Science, Technology, Academics, and more. Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Design Thinking

CAMP LOCATION: Hosted at Santa Clara University in the Bay Area

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: In Person and Virtual Camp - for students all across the U.S. and other parts of the world.

6 exciting tracks to choose from:

Foundation: Data Science
Master: AI Model building with code
Full Immersion: AI Model and Research
Design Thinking and AI
AI in Business and Entrepreneurship
Beginner: AI with low code/ no code
STEAM in AI Students have the opportunity to work on exciting AI Projects across Industries, Domains and Careers mentored by AI/ ML Engineers and Data Scientists from the Industry.

Exciting News!! STEAM in AI Intensive is coming to Santa Clara University in the Bay Area this Summer. Get a taste of Silicon Valley, Learn AI and do Research. Check out the Commuter and Residential Programs.

STEAM in AI is Developed by former Stanford and UC Berkeley Adjunct Professor, MIT Mentor $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, Data and AI Ethics thought leader from Silicon Valley, Generative AI Ethics Keynote Speaker for the U.S. Military and the California Department of Education.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Students may apply for a need based scholarship. Scholarship is based on a lot of factors including availability of funds. Application does not guarantee a scholarship. Eligibility Criteria: Must be a student living in the U.S., must have a copy of the most recent U.S. IRS Tax Return. Preference will be given to student recommendations by Partner Schools. Our Nonprofit DataEthics4All 501(c)(3) EIN 85-3148963 provides need based Scholarships to Students to participate in the STEAM in AI Program based on the availability of funds.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Start a STEAM in AI Chapter to find all year round opportunities for students to learn artificial intelligence and ethics, leadership and volunteering. Volunteers can even accrue those hours towards the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Learn More: Our Camp Website Link:

Please visit the Website: Our Camp Website Link: for complete information

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STEAM in AIData Science Artificial Intelligence and Research Summer Camps for Middle and High School Students

There are 8 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Windsor Mountain Summer Camp
Windsor, NH

Visit Our Windsor Mountain Summer Camp Website
One World Way
Windsor, NH 03244

Watch Our Windsor Mountain Summer Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Theater, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Soccer, Swimming, Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Team Sports, Technology, Academics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Windsor Mountain Summer Camp is located on 360 acres of white pine forest in southwestern New Hampshire, on the shores of secluded motor-free lake two hours from Boston and four hours from New York City.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our beautiful and well-maintained lakeside setting offers campers a perfect home away from home. At the heart of camp is our dining hall and expansive deck, offering plenty of gathering places for campers. In the dining hall and often out of the deck, you will find campers eating delicious meals, cooked from scratch. Campers love their bunks at Windsor Mountain! Each has electricity and bathrooms are inside or close-by and counselors live in each bunk with kids. Treehouse - Girls ages 7-12 bunk in the treehouse, where each bunk is home to six to eight girls. Cabins - Boys ages 7-12 find their home in the Cabins, where you will find eight to ten boys in each bunk. Bungalows - Campers ages 13-16 find their summer home in a Bungalow. Each bungalow sleeps eight to ten boys or girls and their counselors.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Windsor Mountain campers choose activities every three days with our guided free-choice program. With the help of our talented and caring staff, campers select from traditional and creative activities offered in: music, visual arts, sports, performing arts, ropes course (including zip-line and rock-climbing), farm and garden, waterfront, wilderness adventure, sailing, film and more! Within our safe and supportive community, campers are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone, try new things and challenge themselves. Evenings at camp offer lots of fun activities and opportunities to bond with friends. We have campfires (with music and stories), capture the flag, carnival, overnight camping with s'mores, Joel's coffee house, 'Battle of the Bands,' scavenger hunts, talent shows, dances, night hikes, Hawaiian Luaus, casino night, game shows, and lots more.



OTHER CAMP INFO: A summer at Windsor Mountain is a ton of fun and so much more. It is a unique opportunity to nurture the creative spirit, develop a sense of self-understanding and independence, foster lifelong friendships, try new things, cultivate skills and learn how to live in a community of people representing diverse cultures and life experience. We are a co-ed, non-competitive camp that uses the power of experiential learning to enhance the personal growth and development of each camper. We embrace the values of respecting differences among people, living responsibly and taking safe and appropriate risks.

Session 1 - 6/26/2018-7/21/2018 ($5,595)

Session 2 - 7/24/2018-8/18/2018 ($5,595)

Mini-Session 1 - 6/26/2018-7/8/2018 ($3,395)

Mini-Session 1B 7/8/2018-7/21/2018 ($3,395)

Mini-Session 2 - 7/24/2018-8/5/2018 ($3,395)

Mini-Session 2B 8/5/2018-8/18/2018 ($3,395)

6-Week Session - 6/26/2018-8/5/2018 ($7,295)

Full Season - 6/26/2018-8/18/2018 ($8,695)

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Windsor Mountain Summer Camp

There are 7 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

HiTech Yeti Tech Camp
Online Camp Burlington, Vermont

Visit Our HiTech Yeti Tech Camp Website
(415) 515-5278
Online Only
Burlington, Vermont


TYPE OF CAMP: Online. Weekly 10am-3pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp options include; Video Game Creation, Minecraft Game Design, Minecraft Electrical Engineering, and Programming (Scratch, Python, Java)!

Computers, Technology, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We have been teaching programming, robotics, Minecraft, and Game Design classes for over 14 years!

We believe learning should be fun and challenging! Learning through play and experimentation leads to long lasting understanding!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We host monthly programming and game design tournaments year round!

Camp sessions are weekly and run from June 1st - August 28th.

Most courses cost $299 a week, but we also offer 1-on-1 programming mastery courses that cost more!

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HiTech Yeti Tech Camp

There are 6 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps
New Hampshire Location(s)

Visit Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Website
Over 500 Locations Nationwide
Mead, WA

CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MI, MN, MT, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, WA, WI, and WY

6311 E. Mt. Spokane Park Dr., Suite B
Mead, WA 99021

Watch Our Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: 3 thru 12. Not all ages available in all areas.

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Hours vary by camp and age level.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Basketball, Football, Baseball, Cheerleading, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Team Sports, and more. Lacrosse, Mini-Hawk, Multi-Sport, Quickstart, Tiny-Hawk, Track & Field, & Volleyball Too!

CAMP LOCATION: Skyhawks Sports Camps are located in cities throughout the state. Please see our website for exact locations near you at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Modern practice fields and facilites with top-notch training and safety equipment.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1979, Skyhawks sports has led safe, fun and skill-focused sports camps and programs for youth between the ages of 3-12.

We offer many different different sports--and countless ways for your child to grow. The camps range from soccer to baseball to our popular mulit-sport camps where kids sample three different sports (soccer, basketball and baseball) in one camp.

Our camps and programs are offered locally throughout over 500 communities. The format includes traditional week-long summer day camps and year-round after-school programs that range from 45 minutes to 6 hours in duration, per day. Our progression of camps and programs, led by our expert staff, are generated toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport-specific skills.

For Detailed Information on ALL of our summer sports camps, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

Our coaches and site directors make a significant difference to your child's on-field experience. Chosen for their strong personal character, responsibility, and capacity to effectively communicate sports skills to youth, our staff will make the extra effort every time to ensure that your children have the best on-field/court experience, emphasize teamwork, and learn life skills through sports. Our staff are required to complete our extensive certification process.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer financial aid for those families that qualify. Please call 1.800.804.3509 for an application.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer year round programs in select states, please see our website for complete information on all Skyhawks Sport Camps in your area.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Skyhawks Sports Camps are SAFETY FOCUSED!

At Skyhawks we go the extra mile to focus on safety, and we have a long-standing proven safety track record and processes to prove it. For example, all Skyhawks Sports camps start and end with our unique safety process called "Gate System and Parking Lot Duty." This process is where coaches come and greet both parents and campers in the parking lot when parents pull up to drop off their children.

Our staff guide the kids onto the field/court and out of harm's way by funneling them into our gate system. Eye contact is maintained from each one of our staff members until the kids make it onto the field/court where they are grouped by age. This efficient process ensures safety. Additionally, it develops a level of trust between parent, coach, and child that ultimately leads to a fun and skill-focused camp for youth.

Skyhawks Sports Camps are offered throughout the summer, and specific dates and times vary from location to location.

Fees vary depending on age, duration of camp, and location.

You can find a complete list of sessions, times, and fees for ALL the Skyhawks Sports Camps in your area at: Our Camp Website Link:

Or feel free to call us at: 800-804-3509.

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Skyhawks Sports Academy Summer Sports Camps

There are 5 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Summer Dance Camp
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Visit Our Summer Dance Camp Website
95 Brewery Lane
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801

CAMPER AGES: 2 1/2 years old-12 years old


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are about 60 miles north of Boston, on the seacost in Portsmouth, NH.

CAMP FACILITIES: Visit our beautiful facility! We are located at the Malt House Exchange in Portsmouth … a beautiful 4,000 sq. ft., state of the art facility with 2 large air-conditioned studios, sprung marley floors, plenty of parking and a large waiting area for the parents with a viewing window to watch class and closed circuit television.

Summer Dance Camp
June 23rd- 26th- Monday- Thursday from 9:30am-11:00am Ages 2 ½ – 6 and 9:30-12:00 for ages 7-11! Thursday we will have an in studio “performance” for parents on what they learned that week! Each camp will have a focus on one theme and they will learn and perform that story. They will do different styles of dance. The styles we will focus on are Ballet, Tap, Jazz/Hip Hop and Musical Theater. Students will also do arts and crafts. Snacks are provided for each Dancer! Cost is $100 for ages 2 ½ -6 and $115 for ages 7-11.

Broadway Musical Theater Dance Camp
July 28th – 31st – Monday- Thursday from 9:30am-12:00pm for ages 6 – 8 and 9:30am-1:00pm for ages 8-12! Thursday we will have an in studio “performance” at 12:30pm for parents and friends on what they learned that week! Each camp will have a focus on one Broadway Music and they will learn and perform excerpts from that show. They will do different styles of dance. The styles we will focus on are Ballet, Tap, Jazz and Musical Theater. Snacks are provided for each Dancer! The cost is $115 for ages 6-8 and $130 for ages 7-11.

Summer Dance Camp
August 18th – 21st – Monday- Thursday from 9:30am-11:00am for ages 2 ½ – 6 and 9:30-12:00 for ages 7-11! Thursday we will have an in studio “performance” for parents and friends on what they learned that week! Each camp will have a focus on one theme and they will learn and perform that story. They will do different styles of dance. The styles we will focus on are Ballet, Tap, Jazz/Hip Hop and Musical Theater. Students will also do arts and crafts. Snacks are provided for each Dancer! Cost is $100 for ages 2 ½ -6 and $115 for ages 7-11.

*In the month of July we have a 4 week Children, Teens and Adult dance program with the opportunity to perform at Prescott Park Arts Festival! This is for ages 2 ½ and up!

Please see our website for complete information.

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Summer Dance Camp

There are 4 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

High Meadows Farms
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Visit Our High Meadows Farms Website
975 Beach Pnd Rd
PO Box 892
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire 03894

Winter Location:  508 Governor Wentworth Hwy. Moultonborough, NH


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday - Friday 9:30 - 3:30

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Everyone is welcome!

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: High Meadows Farms, located in Moultonborough & Wolfeboro, offers camp sessions for riders of all levels and all ages at their Wolfeboro Farm. Their motto is no one is too young or too old to learn how to ride a horse! Each week of camp is unique but all share in the enthusiasm of caring for their horse, learning their personalities, ways to communicate with their horse and of course riding in the arena or on trails. High Meadows camp is not just a camp of learning how to ride. The camp highlights self-confidence and self-esteem in each child. Watching the transformation of each child from the beginning of the week to the end of the week is not only noticeable to the instuctors, but also to the children.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Specializing in building self-confidence and working with kids with ADD and ADHD, as well as some autistic. It's amazing what horseback riding can do to help!

Fine Arts/Crafts, Horses/Equestrian, Wilderness/Nature, and more. Barn Chores - Caring For Horses!

High Meadows Farms is a Top Coed Summer Camp located in Wolfeboro New Hampshire offering many fun and educational Coed and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts and more. High Meadows Farms is a top Coed Camp for ages: All Ages.

CAMP LOCATION: Located minutes away from beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee and centered between the towns of Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, Ossipee, Moultonborough and Meredith, NH

CAMP FACILITIES: Summer location provides amazing views of the White Mountain Range and Lake Ossipee, 80 acres of rolling grass pastures, a beautiful 8 stall horse barn equipped with kitchen, viewing room and arts and crafts area. Large outdoor riding arena and lovely cross-country jumping course, and beautiful trails.

Winter Location offers an amazing 10 stall insulated barn with a huge indoor riding arena, and 102 Acres for wooded trails. Perfect to stay warm in the winter weather, or enjoy a beautiful snowy trail ride!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each week focuses around a theme. We have designed a program consisting of five Levels in which the campers learn about proper horsemanship and develop their riding skills while they also study horse terminology, history, first aid and more!

On the first day of camp each camper receives a notebook containing all the information they need to learn in order to complete the first level. Both riding and horsemanship goals are set, to be accomplished by the parent show on Friday. Throughout the week the campers practice and study the given skills through games and hands-on experiences.

Each camper is assigned a “horse of their own” for the week. The camper is responsible for the general care of their horse such as grooming, tacking, bathing, watering, and preparing meals as well as other elements involved in horse ownership.

On Friday afternoon, the campers present to parents and relatives a riding “show” to music that they have designed to demonstrate what they learned during the week. Following the show is a graduation and goodbye ceremony.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: For scholarship information please contact us directly at: sueball2007[AT]

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Offering school vacation camps as well. Open year-round.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Open year round for lessons and trail rides.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Please contact us if you have any questions at all! I'd love to hear from you!

Weekly camp sessions run Monday – Friday from 9:30 – 3:30 from June through August. For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Always looking for new camp counselors!  Must have horse experience and love kids!

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High Meadows Farms

There are 3 Top New Hampshire Coed Camps Below

Code Galaxy Summer Camp
Online Camp Austin, Texas

Visit Our Code Galaxy Summer Camp Website
2028 E Ben White Blvd Ste 240-6624
Austin, Texas 78741

Watch Our Code Galaxy Summer Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Online.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Code Galaxy Summer Camps are designed for kids to develop programming skills. Courses offered include Scratch, Minecraft, Roblox, Python, Web development, etc. All our summer camps are 100% virtual with flexible times for both parents and students. If you're looking for an exciting way to spend your kid's summer, enroll in a Code Galaxy camp today!

Computers, Technology, Academics, and more. Coding & Programming, Robotics